Saturday, August 31, 2019
Mind Styles examined in American Psycho
Desires and fears seem so different, yet are at the root of each other. If you say, â€Å"l want to be loved,†it's the same thing as saying â€Å"I'm afraid I won't be loved. †Bronte's Wuthering Heights and Ford Madox Ford's The Good Soldier manage to show how similar desire and fear truly are. Wuthering Heights is saturated with desire and fear and the two play off of one another in a way that makes them so homogeneous. Similarly, The Good Soldier draws on the desires of many of the characters and in turn the fears, which encapsulate them.Both Bronte and Ford engage with these deas through the use of character, theme, and in a more generic way narration. Desire is linked most commonly with the romance novel, which is what The Good Soldier and Wuthering heights partially allude to. Many scholars classify Wuthering Heights as a gothic novel, even though the story centers around romance and relationships.. Wuthering Heights engages with the concept of desire from its op ening pages. Bronte uses Lockwood's desire for sociability or what could be looked upon as companionship, as an early device for a theme that is continued throughout the novel.The opening lines show Lockwood's opinion of Heathcliff: .. Mr Heathcliff and I are such a suitable pair to divide the desolation between us. A capital fellow! He little imagined how my heart warmed towards him when I beheld his black eyes withdraw so suspiciously under their brows, as I rode up, and when his fingers sheltered themselves, with Jealous resolution, still further in his waistcoat, as I announced my name. (Bronte, 1847,2000:1) The opening lines of the novel show Lockwood relating his first visit to Wuthering Heights, and his initial meeting with Heathcliff. This extract shows the reader how much Lockwood yearns for companionship.The phrase suitable pair suggests that he and Heathcliff are quite similar. However we the reader know that this is far from the case. Heathcliffs abrupt and dismissive ma nner would be enough to deter any individual for want of his company, but this does not seem to perturb Lockwood. Lockwood continues to pay reverence towards Heathcliff coining him as ‘a capital fellow. Taken in its context this phrase suggests that Heathcliff is a first rate person. We can see that in this lonely secluded moor Lockwood seems to overlook Heathcliffs abhorrent nature in favour of his comradery.If we take the less obvious meaning of ‘capital' we can see that this word applied to Heathcliff is appropriate in the sense of someone who has the desire to acquire capital and Heathcliff is Just that, someone who wants to have money and land. Desires in The Good Soldier are similarly expressed through relationships. At the beginning of Dowell's narration he states: If for nine years I have possessed a goodly apple that is rotten at the core and discover its rottenness only in nine years and six months less four days, isn't it true to say that for nine years I poss essed a goodly apple?Ford, 191 5,2010:29) This quote encapsulates everything that is tlawed witn Dowell Narrating the story in retrospect Dowell is aware of all events that have passed, even if it is only through what he has been told from Edward and Leonora. The fact that Dowell compares the couple's relationship to an apple gives one the impression that it is something that will not last for very long. The shiny nature of an apple is the couples' fapde that Dowell does not wish to destroy.Even after learning of Edward's relationship with Florence he still thinks of him as the English gentleman' and has a high opinion of im throughout his narration. Not only is Dowell's desire that of stasis but also of nostalgia. He does not wish to think of the couples' relationship as rotten but only as it was seen from the outside, unblemished and oblivious. It is ironic that Dowell should describe the couples as ‘ four people with the same tastes, with the same desires' even though they are polar opposites of one another (Ford, 191 5,2010:29) .Dowell is a passionless individual whereas Florence will go to any lengths to obtain her sexual desires. Edward and Florence share the same desire of adultery and social status. It would seem that both Dowell and Leonora have the same desire to help facilitate their partner's secret affairs, although in Dowell's case he is completely unaware of it. Ford uses Dowell's naivety as a tool for his desire for things to remain as they are. In Wuthering Heights Bronte uses characterisation to build a foundation for a complex array of desires.According to Phillip Hill â€Å"Desire is marked by the use of language and signifiers, and is a ‘lack for something that is missing: the object of desire†(Hill, 1997:65). Bronte uses Cathys desire for Heathcliff as one of the main focal points of Nellys narrative. Cathys demand is to return to her childhood relationship with Heathcliff. Out of this comes her desire to be with Heath cliff. She states ‘ he shall never know how I love him†¦ because he is more myself than I am Once a desire is obtained then it is no longer remains the object of desire; another object will become substituted in its place
Friday, August 30, 2019
Crime and Cjus285-1302a-01 Juvenile Delinquency
Colorado Technical University Online CJUS285-1302A-01 Juvenile Delinquency Phase 1- Individual Project Professor Grace Mickles Obaid Rahman April 15, 2013 There are many advantages of the taxpayer and the juveniles to split the juvenile courts into two sections because it will benefit taxpayer and juveniles by splitting into sections. By doing that status offenders will get more help and treat as a minor crime offender, which they don’t in a joint section.Status offenders are treated unfairly, and don’t get the punishment what they are committed too, there is a need for splitting a juvenile court into two sections. The advantages of splitting will help status offenders to be treated fairly according to their offences. Other advantage toward splitting courts will increase the ability of juvenile courts to punished young offenders, and this will benefit to taxpayers because the punishment will determined offenders and will reduced cases of young kids and help them to pay less for juveniles cases.Juvenile delinquent court and status offender court will benefits juveniles because it will make it possible for the juvenile courts to differentiate between major and minor crimes. The process will be more efficient and juveniles will get more proper response from specific courts. I think the higher court judges rule and appoint the judges who work for juvenile courts, who can handle all the juvenile cases and separated those cases by category and according to crime charges.Juvenile’s delinquency cases are those cases which juveniles violated a law or a serious crime which done by juveniles. In other hand the young offenders who charge with the offence but cannot be classified as criminal violation offence that can only be applied to children, which is why rehabilitation program is must for those kids who can turn back to their normal life. There should be a specific program for those parents who have or had their children in criminal activity, in or der to teach their kids right path and stop them to commit crime or break law.The percentage of Juvenile offenders who arrested first time in their life and never been arrested again are more higher then the juvenile who committed repeat crimes, means if the department can detain children first time and warn them, have more chances to keep them away from future crimes, rather then put them into jail and sentence them like adult will turns out into criminal in future.By splitting juvenile court into two sections will disadvantage in effectiveness of the two sections will depend on the implementation of the courts. It will also take taxpayers into financial problem and poor services. It will also increase the number of staff and the burden will be on taxpayers. It will also disadvantages to those offender who commit a serious crime, will be subjected more sphere courts then those who attend status offender courts.There are many advantages by comparing to disadvantages by splitting juv enile court will benefit to those young offender who commits minor crime and able to get back in their normal life with taking some detention or rehabilitation program. References Minor Crime Is a Major Ordeal (2007), retrieved from (http://criminal. findlaw. com/juvenile-justice/minor-crime-is-a-major-ordeal. html) Juvenile Court by Kathleen Michon, retrieved from (http://www. nolo. com/legal-encyclopedia/juvenile-court-overview-32222. html)
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Avon Products or GE Money America Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Avon Products or GE Money America - Case Study Example A client then selects a product to purchase after which the sales representative places the item selected on order with the relevant distribution center assigned to the representative (Bartholdi, 2002, p. 2). Items produced by Avon include skin care items; make up, perfume fragrance, hair care, personal care, body care, and sun care. The most conspicuous products of the company are Skin-So-Soft which is a bath products while a new product include â€Å"Avon color†comprising lip, eye, face shades and nail colors (Clinton, 1993, p. 2) In the business world today, human capital is one of the company’s most valuable assets therefore companies must retain and engage talented employees. They must also equip their employees with the necessary skill to become more beneficial. Talent management includes attracting, identifying, recruiting, developing, motivating, promoting, and retaining people that have a strong urge to succeed within an organization (Laff, 2006, pp. 42-50) By 2005, the company was an $8 billion company with a 10% growth in its annual revenue and 25% growth in the profits. However, in 2006 the company experienced problems mainly associated with decreasing revenues and profits. The root cause of these challenges was that the company was growing at a rate faster than it could support in terms of infrastructure and talent. The main problem was on the management of talent and talent practices. Therefore, something had to be done to solve these problems and make a revolution in the company. This could be through making changes to these talent practices in order to make the practices easy to use and very effective From the Case Study it is clear that the company embraced several models to improve talent practices among them was the model for simplification of every process. It has been noted that majority of talent practices possess unnecessary complexity that discourage managers from using them and this dragged the pace at which talent was growing in
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 128
Assignment Example Religion provides the basis for a community to obtain a leader, where it separates those who are eligible for the leadership positions from those who are responsible for electing them. It is also through religion that the duties and responsibilities of the leaders and the subjects are stipulated, as well as the repercussions for the failure of any party to adhere to these principles (181). There does not seem to be any separation between the church and the state. However, various religious groups are respected and allowed to co-exist, although Muslim dominates. The emerging Muslim leadership dealt with the non-Muslim by requiring them to pay a bit more taxes. However, there is no molestation of this group, although it should avoid doing things that are against the Muslim faith, comparing well to how the Christians treated the non-Christians in Europe (150). This is contrary to the modern day, where religious hostility has risen to higher levels, with each religious group seeking to o utdo the others and even persecuting
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Decultralization and Education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Decultralization and Education - Essay Example Such group of students advocates for inclusion into the education system or may go a head to start their own system. The families that have been affected by the government schooling system have often sought alternative means in private institutions. Springs notes that Catholic schooling provided opportunities for the minorities who found public school unfriendly. This paper explores the work of spring in describing the education system of American society. Spring (57), has noted in his book that dominant culture in the United States of America has played a significant role in dictating education policies in United States of America. Dominant cultures or races in the United States have affected the education policies. Some student from minority groups finds it difficult to study in an environment that seems to segregate against them. Spring describes post racial society as one, which does to harbor any segregation or discriminatory traits. This seems not to be the case in America. Man y communities that live in America come from diverse backgrounds and cultures. The society should admit them the way they are and accept the presence of their children in schools without discrimination of any nature. The statement is contrary to what Spring points out in his book. He described the discrimination of the minority students in America public institutions. Post racial society contributes toward such for equality because of the inclination that many communities take towards advocating for common policies that would include members of diverse community. The blacks, whites and the Indians learn in the same institutions and would advocate for policies that give each of the communities an equal space in school. Native cultures of the American played a role in shaping the education system in 19th and 20th century. For examples, the Indians schools promoted the Indian cultures and were less friendly to the non-Indian students. Introduction of policies during the tenure of Presi dent Roosevelt provided an opportunity for creating a learning environment for students from diverse cultures. A senate sub committee of education noted the problems that student of minority cultures face in schools and came up with policies that aim at protecting them. Largely, the championing of the deculturalization by the rights activists has contributed in changing discrimination in schools. Entrenching of the non-discriminatory act has contributed towards stumping the retrogressive policies that promoted discrimination in schools. The democratic space that the society has provides a means of channeling critical issues for discussion. Incorporation of the government policies in education system of United States of America stumped out the dominant cultural policies that inhibited the democratic space in schools. The changes in the education system of United States have occurred due to respect to human rights as documented in the constitution. Legislation of the land provides an equal opportunity for people of diverse culture to pursue their interest without interference. Respect for human rights dictated the actions of people in the society. This legislation has promoted equality in public schools and has worked towards changing the treatment of the minority in schools. Teachers and students have shaped their reactions towards the minority or the less dominant groups in school based on this piece of legislations. Court cases against discrimination
Monday, August 26, 2019
The Carbon, Phosphorus, and Nitrogen Cycles and the Human Impact on Essay
The Carbon, Phosphorus, and Nitrogen Cycles and the Human Impact on These Cycles - Essay Example Carbon cycle is typically carried out whenever a hydrocarbon fuel or petroleum uses oxygen for combustion to run an engine of a vehicle or a facotry equipment. Like respiration, during combustion the carbon and hydrogen content of fuel are burned to yield water and carbon dioxide as products given off to the atmosphere. These products as well as the energy released by the exothermic reaction are then absorbed by the plants so the latter manages to produce its own food as photosynthesis takes place with the help other nutrients besides the sustenance provided by carbon dioxide. These plants consequently emit oxygen back into the atmosphere and possess carbohydrates, formed out of using carbon dioxide and water, with its stored energy to be used by the living organism once again. When weathering occurs, phosphate cycle begins when the inorganic materials containing phosphorus and phosphate ions in certain ocean salts or rock sediments are transported to land. Plants eventually take them in and are transferred to herbivores upon consumption and these herbivores may be eaten further by carnivorous animals so that the latter are also imparted a share of phosphorus or phosphates. At the point of death, they are brought back to soil by the decomposers that feed on decaying bodies with phosphorus and these materials may return to the ocean or be reconstituted into the rocks by means of run-off water.
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Coursework on Employment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Coursework on Employment - Essay Example An employment agreement can also confirm the status of employment. 3 This may at will or at a specified term, length of term of employment. The employer can clearly define the minimum commitments and obligations for both the employer and employee and , if the agreement is well drafted, this can minimize disputes based upon the termination of the employment relationship by clearly setting forth the terms under which the employer and employee may separate. Under the law employers are required to give their employees a written statement with regards to the details relating to the contract of employment. 4 However, the law does not prescribe the actual substantive content of the terms of employment as long as it does not divert from the objective of the law. It is stipulated that what is actually required is that the particulars can be set out in a formal contract or written statement. It must indicate the particulars in a single document but cross-reference can be made to other documents in respect to sickness and pensions entitlements and disciplinary and grievance procedures. These documents should be easily accessible such as in a employee handbook and pension rulebook. The data that must be indicated in the written contract of employment must include the name of the employer and employee, the date when the employment is to commence, the rate of renumeration, the schedule at which the renumeration is to be paid, terms and conditions relating _____________________ 3 Black's Law Dictionary 75 (8th Ed. 2004) 4 Employment Rights Act 1996 (c. 18), part 1, Employment Particulars, Right to Statements of Employment Particulars Serapio 3 to hours of work, holidays, holiday pay, sick pay, pension schemes, notice entitlements, job title, term of employment, place of work, details of disciplinary and grievance procedures and details of any collective agreements which affect the terms and conditions of the employment. Subsequently, the written agreement contract must be given not later than two months after the beginning of the employee's employment and any changes thereat must be relevant to the matters which must be confirmed to the employee by way of a written notice to be given at the
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Analyzing Project Feasibility Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Analyzing Project Feasibility - Research Paper Example The firm may want to maintain the independence of its business when making such investment decisions. Consequently, the choice of the criterion may be based on the availability of personnel resources, time and expertise required to analyze the project as well as the capital constraints that make the liquidity of a project a principal issue (Joos & Zhdanov, 2008). Dell Corporation is a large firm that has its operations based on the manufacture of electronic items; particularly computers (desktops and laptops). In the determination of the feasibility of its projects, Dell Corporation estimates the cash flows and net present value as + $10. The recognition or dismissal of the venture is dependent on the type of analysis that the corporation adopts (Danielson & Scott, 2006). The best type of analysis that can be used to regulate the practicability of the project is the discounted cash flow analysis method. The discounted cash flow analysis method is a project valuation method that applies the time value of money concept, particularly in relation to the estimation of the investment opportunity. This method is essential in the case of Dell Corporation given that it will use the future cash flow projections to attain the present value by discounting by discounting the values, mostly by the weighted average cost of capital (WACC) (Danielson & Scott, 2006). This method works in the manner that if the project’s value is higher than the current investment cost, the project may be a good one for Dell Corporation to invest. Subsequently, the method conveys certain essential economic information about the firm under certain circumstances such as when faced by the issue of capital constraints. Besides, the corporation’s use of the method will be justified by the fact that the firm has always been changing its product lines. The discounted cash flow analysis is quite useful in the assessment or evaluation of the project given that, in this case, it would be quite easy
Management coursework Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Management coursework - Essay Example The mission statement of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation reflects that â€Å"all lives have equal value†(Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation). The organization maintains a well designed professional website under the name ‘Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation’ that illustrates various programs and policies of the foundation. By the end of 2009, it was estimated that the organization had an endowment of US433.5 billion (Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation). As per the organization’s norms, the foundation must donate at least 5% of its assets each year in order to maintain its status as a charitable institution. Therefore, it is obvious that the organization would donate over US$1.5 billion each year. In order to improve the efficiency of its operations, the foundation was organized into four divisions in 2006 under the Chief Operating Officer Cheryl Scott. The organization became well known as it designed three grant-making programs such as ‘Global Hea lth Program, Global Development Program, and United States Program’ (Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation).
Friday, August 23, 2019
Final exam Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2
Final exam - Assignment Example The women also fail to challenge patriarchy rule in their societies, as well to challenge men’s dominance over them. Women, according to Hooks, should be compatible with the blame of sexism and not view it as a competing ideology between men and women. Kimmel is of the view that most violent people in the industrious world are men. He sees gender inequality as a key cause of violence. According to him, women exhibit aggression in terms of gossips unlike men who are quite physically aggressive (Kimmel, chapt12). In the United States history of gender violence, gender violence by men has been termed as a proof of manhood. Men view violence as a form of communication to women. He states that images of masculinity create a violent society. Men and women are concerned with aspects that exaggerate their biological differences. Love and friendship is termed as traditionally feminine, while sexual behavior is increasingly defined as masculine. Masculinization of sexuality is as a result of transformation in sexuality and sexual revolution with the promise of sexual freedom that has fewer emotional and physical consequences (Kimmel, chapt11). Men and women have different conceptions about sex understanding and fantasies. Kimmel; hence, argues that gay men in the society have low rates of committed relationships, while lesbians have the highest rate of committed relationships. He concludes that men place sexuality at the center of their lives while women are interested in affection and care in the context of a love relationship. The â€Å"sexual peaks†difference between men and women is thought to be biological, but Kimmel argues that it is a reflection of the social organization of marriage in a society. According to Fone, the Sodom story was not a punishment to homosexuality. He states that Sodom was conflacted with varied kinds of social deviances. The sodomites were accused of being heretics, traitors, adulterers, hypocrites, idol
Thursday, August 22, 2019
The United Kingdom and India Essay Example for Free
The United Kingdom and India Essay The purpose of this paper is to understand the benefits of the trade relationship between the United Kingdom and India particularly in the small and medium enterprises sector of each country. Introduction The relationship between the United Kingdom and India can be traced from centuries ago. The British Empire once colonized India and the British have already seen so many unique attributes of India in terms of products and resources that they began taking it to their shores. The Indian and British economy can be both very influential in developing peace and justice in the world economy. Thus it can only be done if both countries will begin seizing the opportunities today. India being the largest democracy is not only a very good potential market, but in the long run, this country is bound to contribute a lot of things to the progress of the world. Prime Minister Gordon Brown has said in (2007) India is one of the engines of world growth. I believe Britain must be a full participant and indeed your partner of choice. Research Question How does the current trade relationship between U. K. and India affect each other’s domestic economic growth? Objectives: †¢ To determine whether the current trade relationship of the United Kingdom and India is strong and beneficial (advantageous) or its opposite †¢ To understand whether to what extent each country influences the other in terms of monetary and non monetary investments †¢ To identify which factors contribute to the success (or failure) of the existing trade relationship Hypotheses †¢ India and the United Kingdom’s trade relationship is a strong and beneficial one †¢ The existing trade relationship between U. K. and India provides India with beneficial technology transfer and knowledge building which improves small and medium size entrepreneurial growth †¢ The existing strong relationship between U. K. and India paved the way for India to invest favorably in the U. K. Methodology This paper will particularly rely on secondary sources taken from the studies of experts in the said field, and primary data coming from government agencies that investigate and study this topic in the United Kingdom and India. Literature Review Gareth Thomas MP, Minister for Trade, Investment and Consumer Affairs in April 2008 further added that, â€Å"The UK can help India achieve this ambitious target. We are a natural ally of India in encouraging Europe to open up in areas of interests. As allies we need to support the global economy and restore confidence. The alternative risks nations succumbing to the growing tide of protectionism. The UK-India partnership – Governments and business – must continue to be at the forefront of those making the case for increased openness. I believe that strengthening still further UK-India trade will help India’s development, will help India to lift more of it’s people out of poverty and at the same time be good too for British business, British jobs and our economy. †This statement goes to show that such relationship equally benefits both countries, because more and more Indian companies are penetrating UK for investments thus providing the UK with more job opportunities, especially on the Northern Ireland part. Now, in the 21st century, the trade relations of both country has gone stronger. The United Kingdom’s strong trading relationships with India provides for advantages specifically in the area of business in the U. K. ’s domestic economy. According to Prime Minister Brown (2008), â€Å"The UK will invest another ? 825 million for development in India over the next three years. †Brown announced the funding during his India visit. UK’s aid in strengthening the education sector of India, will also prove to be beneficial for both countries in the long run. This is so because, there will be an increase in the talent pool which can help Indian and British companies. The UK investment is not merely for trade purposes, but this time a big chunk of the investment will go to humanitarian purposes and education wherein up to ? 500 million is expected be spent on health and education. The said funds will give 300,000 more teachers and another 300,000 classrooms ensuring that in total by 2011, 4 million more children half of them girls – will be able to go to school. This then, will definitely promote more equality in education. Prime Minister Brown in (2008) further added that, Over the last few years, India has made great progress in tackling poverty and sustaining economic development. But some grave challenges remain. The UK is keen to play its part and work in partnership with India to fight poverty. That is why I am pleased to announce this substantial package of support to help make a better future for India’s poorest. This is a very important statement because it reflects how committed the UK is in helping the Indian society. Definitely, a country can only achieve high quality of growth and very good business climate if it is able to sustain its own demands for change. UK is very particular with â€Å"just change†, or an equitable change. It cannot be that India continues to contribute to the most number of billionaires in the world and yet a lot of its citizens are still dying of hunger, unemployment, poverty and other diseases. The UK’s Secretary of State for International Development, Douglas Alexander, said: Without India getting on track, the world will fail to meet the Millennium Development Goals. That is why the UK contribution which accounts for 1/3 of all aid to India is welcomed. Past UK support has helped to raise primary school enrolment rates to 94 per cent and provided water and sanitation for 10 million slum dwellers. The ? 825m contribution will continue to benefit Indias poorest by improving health (including under nutrition) and education for all. Though parts of India are booming, the levels of child malnutrition in India are nearly twice as high as the average for all of sub Saharan Africa. India is home to one third of the world’s poor. Up to 400 million people live on under a dollar a day. UK’s contribution to India transcends business, it has to be also about development. UK believes that India is a huge talent pool, and yet it can only be sustained if education will not be limited to few. If India wants to be one of the largest economies, then it has to produce more leaders by means of education- and this is where UK is very helpful with.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Poverty And Health Inequalities Health And Social Care Essay
Poverty And Health Inequalities Health And Social Care Essay Sociologists define social class as the grouping of people by occupations. The different positions represent different levels of power, influence and money1, 2. In the UK society was divided into 5 main groups of classes however the Office of National Statistics (ONS) produced a new socio-economic classification in 2001 (Table 1)3, 4. Social Class Up to 2001 From 2002 I 1-4 High Low II IIIN IIIM 5-8 IV V Table 1- Classification of Social class4 The Black Report and the Acheson Report In August 1980 the Department of Health (DOH) published the Black Report, also known as the Working Group on Inequalities in Health. The Report showed the extent to which ill-health and death are unequally distributed among the population of Britain, and suggested that these inequalities have been widening rather than decreasing since the formation of the National Health Service (NHS) in 19485. The Report concluded that these inequalities were not caused due to failings in the NHS, but because of many other social inequalities influencing health: income, education, housing, diet, employment, and conditions of work. In consequence, the Report recommended a wide strategy of social policy measures to reduce inequalities in health; however these recommendations were ignored not implemented 6. In 1998 The Acheson Report, also known as the Independent Inquiry into Inequalities in Health Report was published, this was 18 years after the Black Report, both reports showed similarities in thei r finding. The Acheson report showed a widening gap between different social groups (Figure 1)7. Figure 1-Number of deaths per 1000 by all causes for men aged 20-64 between 1991-19937 The report also noted that, while social determinants (Figure 2) affect peoples health across their lives, the early years are a particularly important stage of life, where poor socio economic circumstances have lasting effects. The Report recommended policies and interventions to reduce inequalities in access to the determinants of good health among parents, particularly mothers and children8, 9. The Main Determinants of Health Figure 2- The Main Determinants of Health10 The Situation in the UK- Income and Poverty The main point that both the Black and Acheson report identified was the association between poverty, social class and health inequalities. This applied to all aspects of health including life expectancy, infant mortality and general level of health8. Poverty isolates people, reducing their ability to engage in social and community life. In a study comparing the poorest and richest fifth of households, poorer children had fewer opportunities for activities and socialising. Poverty is measured by looking at the low-income threshold. This is 60% of the median UK income 4, 11. In 2007/08, 13 ½ million people in the UK (Table 2) were living in households below the low-income threshold, an increase of 1  ½ million compared with the 2004/05 figures. This is around a fifth (22%) of the population. The number of people on low incomes is lower than it was during the early 1990s but is much greater than in the early 1980s11, 12. Country Number of people England 11,500,000 Scotland 900,000 Wales 70,000 Northern Ireland 40,000 Total 13,500,000 Table 2- Distribution of people living below the poverty line in the UK, 13.5 million of the total population of approx 61 million13 Health of the UK Population- Link between Poverty and Health The health of people in the more wealthy areas of the UK is better than those living in the deprived areas. Those people living in poorer communities die younger and experience poorer physical and mental health throughout their life than those living in wealthier communities12, 13. There is a link between life expectancy at birth and social class in the UK. Those from social class I and II have a higher life expectancy at birth than those from social class IV and V .Professional men are expected to live to around 80 years and unskilled manual men to 72.7 years and for women, the figures are 85.1 and 78.1 years (Figure 3)14 Figure 3- Life expectancy of men and women at birth by social class UK, 1992-200515 This can be linked to death by major diseases in the UK, those from social class IV and V have a higher death rate compared to those form social class I and II (Figure 4).14, 15. Figure 4- Major causes of death 2003: Death rate for men aged 25-64 are 50-100% higher among those from manual backgrounds compared to those form non-manual backgrounds4, 12, 13. Infant Mortality in the UK The general association between poverty and health can be seen by looking at different diseases and mortality rates in the UK however one area which shows this association very clearly is child health. This is measured by looking at the rate of infant mortality. Infant mortality rate is the number of deaths of infants per 1000 live births16. There were 9,954 infant deaths overall in the period 2006-08, giving an overall infant mortality rate of 4.8 deaths per 1,000 live births (Table 3). Of those with a valid socio-economic group (8,709), the rate was 4.7 deaths per 1,000. Out of the 8,709 deaths in this category, 43% of these deaths (3,744) were in the Routine and Manual (RM) Social group, giving a rate of 5.4 deaths per 1,000 live births in this group 17, 18. Year Number of Deaths Infant Mortality Rate 2006 3321 5.9 2007 3264 4.7 2008 3369 4.8 Total 9954 Table 3- Infant deaths and mortality: babies born in 2006-200819 Poverty and Infant Mortality Infant death rates among both those from manual backgrounds (social class 1-4) and those from non-manual backgrounds, (social class 5-8) have fallen by around a fifth over the last decade but the gap between them has not reduced. Infant deaths are still 50% more common among poor children in lower social groups (manual backgrounds) than among those from non-manual backgrounds. In the lower social groups infant mortality is 20% higher than the average 4.8 per 1,000 (Figure 5)20, 21, 22. Figure 5- Annual number of deaths per 1000 live births between 1997-2007, it also shows the social class of the infants4, 15. When looking at different regions of the UK; it is clear that there is a significant difference in infant death rates. The rate of infant deaths in the West Midlands is one-and-a-half times more than that in the South East (Figure 6)23, 24, 25. Figure 6- Graph showing how the number of infant deaths per 1000 live births varies by region (West midlands, Yorkshire and the Humber, North West, Northern Ireland, East Midlands, North East, London, Scotland, Wales, South West, East, South East) 4,24. Infant death by region also has an association with poverty. The region with the highest proportion of households below the average income is the North East and West Midlands and it is the West midlands which has the highest infant death rate. The regions with the lowest portion of households below the average income, is the East and South East and it is the South East with the lowest number of infant deaths (Figure 7) 26, 27, 28. Figure 7- Graph showing low-income households by region (North East, West midlands, Wales, North West, Yorkshire and the Humber, East Midlands, Scotland, South West, Northern Ireland, East, South East)4, 15, 27 There are many conditions that cause infant death. The leading causes of infant death include congenital abnormalities, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), problems related to complications of pregnancy, and infant respiratory distress syndrome (Table 4)19, 29. Cause of Death Number of Deaths Congenital anomalies 920 Antepartum infections 59 Immaturity related conditions 1550 Asphyxia, anoxia or trauma (intrapartum) 205 External conditions 47 Infant respiratory distress syndrome 122 Other specific conditions 26 Sudden infant deaths 158 Other conditions 282 All causes 3369 Table 4- Infant deaths by cause of death: babies born in 200811, 15, 19 Other Risk Factors Increasing Infant Mortality There are other risk factors which increase the rate of infant deaths. These factors are associated with income and poverty. The main three factors are low birth weight, smoking during pregnancy and ethnicity27. Low birth weight Babies birth weights are key indicators of the outcome of pregnancy, even though there can be considerable differences between the health and well-being of babies born at the same stage of pregnancy. Babies born with a low birth weight are at greatest risk of having immediate and long-term health problems. The smallest babies are the most likely to die in the first weeks and months of life. Babies born to parents from manual backgrounds (Social class 5-8) tend to be more likely to have low birth weight than those born to parents form non-manual social backgrounds (Social class 1-4) these differences continue throughout the decade (Figure 8)31. Figure 8- Graph shows the proportion of babies born each year who are classed as having low birth weight (less than 2.5 kilograms, 5  ½ lbs), between 1996-2006. It also shows the social class of the infants4. Smoking during pregnancy Smoking in pregnancy causes devastating outcomes; these are increased risk of miscarriage, still birth and death. If parents continue to smoke after pregnancy, there is an increased rate of sudden infant death syndrome32. In the UK in 2006, 33% of mothers from social class 5-8 (manual) smoked throughout pregnancy compared with only 22% of mothers from social class 1-4 (non manual) (Figure 9) 33. Figure 9- Smoking prevelance overall and by social class. England 1998-2006 34 Exposure to passive smoking during pregnancy is associated with still birth, death and increase risk of lower respiratory tract infection in infants. One study found that in households where both parents smoke, young children have a 72 per cent increased risk of respiratory illnesses35. In 2006, 21% of non smoking pregnant women were exposed to the smoke of someone else usually a partner, throughout their pregnancy. Also 40% of mothers aged under 20 smoked throughout pregnancy compared with 13% of mothers aged 35 and over 33, 34. Ethnicity There are large differences in the infant mortality rates of ethnic groups in the UK, for babies born in 2005. Asian and Black ethnic groups accounted for over 11% of live births and 17% of infant deaths. Babies in the Pakistani and Caribbean groups had particularly high infant mortality rates, 9.6 and 9.8 deaths per 1,000 live births this was double the rate in the White British group of 4.5 deaths per 1,000 live births (Table 5)36 Ethnic Group Number of deaths Infant mortality rate Bangladeshi (Asian/Asian British) 34 4.2 Indian (Asian/Asian British) 93 5.8 Pakistani (Asian/Asian British) 231 9.6 African (Black/Black British) 118 6.0 Caribbean (Black/Black British) 73 9.8 White British 1859 4.5 White other 142 4.3 All other ethnic groups 271 5.4 Not stated 357 5.1 Total Number of deaths 3,200 Table 5- Infant deaths and infant mortality rates by ethnic group of babies born in 2005 11, 27, 30, Mortality in the Pakistani group was high throughout the first year of life whilst mortality in the Caribbean group was especially high in the first month of life. Half of all infant deaths in the Pakistani group were due to congenital anomalies, compared with only a quarter of deaths in the White British group. There is a general trend between income of ethnic groups and infant mortality rates. Those groups that have a high infant mortality rate such as the Pakistani and African groups tend to live in low income households compared to white groups (Figure 10)25,30,. Figure 10-Graph showing how the proportion of people living in low-income households varies by different ethnic groups4, 15, 30, Conclusion- Policies in place to address the issues It can be seen that health inequalities are present in the UK and therefore the Government has put in place many programmes and policies to tackle this problem. Tackling Health Inequalities-A Programme for Action The Tacking Health Inequalities: A Programme for Action was launched in July 2003 by the Secretary of State for Health, its aim is to meet the governments targets to reduce the health gap on infant mortality and life expectancy by 2010. The Programme has a clear strategy to work on the following four delivery themes: Supporting families, mothers and children Engaging Communities and Individuals Preventing Illness and providing effective treatment and care Addressing the underlying determinants of health37 National Service Framework for Children, Young People and Maternity Services The National Service Framework for Children, Young People and Maternity Services (Childrens National Service Framework) is a 10 year programme aiming to improve childrens health, social care and promote high quality health care for women and their families. The standards set by this framework require services to: Promote healthy lifestyles. Tackle health inequalities Ensure that pregnant women receive high quality care throughout their pregnancy38 Infant Mortality National Support Team The Infant Mortality National Support Team (IMNST) was launched in autumn 2008. It supports the 43 areas with the highest infant mortality rate in the routine and manual group. The IMNST has 4 main aims (Figure.11)39. Figure 11- The aims of The Infant Mortality National Support Team39. Tackling health inequalities is a top priority for the Government and the main focus is on narrowing the health gap between disadvantaged groups, communities and the rest of the country and on improving health overall. The policies, programmes and strategies in place are helping to reduce the health gap however there is a long way to go before there is significant change in health inequalities. This can be seen by looking at one of the Health Inequalities Public Service Agreement (PSA) targets (Box 1) and the progression of this target40. PSA Target on Infant Mortality By 2010 to reduce by at least 10% the gap in mortality between routine and manual groups and the population as a whole. Box 1- PSA target on reducing mortality in the UK by 10% by 201040. There is a decrease of infant mortality amongst the routine and manual groups however to narrow the gap by at least 10% by 2010 is still a challenge (Table 6)41. Year Percentage Gap 2004-2006 17% 2003-2005 18% 2002-2004 19% Table 6- Percentage gap in mortality between routine and manual groups and the population as a whole41. This shows that the Government needs to do more to reduce health inequalities by concentrating on wider social determinants of health. WORD COUNT-1650
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Overview Of The Site Preparation Process Construction Essay
Overview Of The Site Preparation Process Construction Essay Site preparation is the first task that lays before any Engineer to start new project in site that is unfriendly to the project. It a challenging activity that must be began with. In civil engineering projects, the site preparation can be soil clearing, soil testing site plan designs, zoning restrictions environmental concern and how everything on the matter should run. Preparing your site well to begin with means a much safer, more productive working environment Steps of Site Preparation. Site Clearing:- this is the first task of site preparation. The site should be in a supposed condition. It involves the removal of trees, demolishing buildings and any other obstacles that might affect the construction process in the future or hinder the project to be done. Site Surveying: If your building block is not clearly identified by survey pegs, you cannot be certain that you are building on the correct block. A surveyor will survey the site for a reasonable cost. Better to be safe than sorry. Surveying is the translation of a contractors set of construction plans into a physical representation on the project site. It not only includes surveyors locating and setting physical markers, usually a lathe, pin, or survey stake in a horizontal position, but also communication to the contractor as to the actual elevation and the required cut or fill necessary to obtain the design elevation. It also includes the checking of improvements and temporary construction items placed to construct those improvements to verify the horizontal and vertical location to the construction plans. Soil Testing:- soil testing is very important task that need to be done before the site is purchased. The composition of the soil must be known so as to examine the ability to withstand structure and to test the ability to absorb water. As a site Engineer, it s very important to do all necessary soil testing before commencing any structural task on the soil. If the soil at the site is not suitable for the future project, then it gives no choice but to look for another site which its soil is suitable for the project. Site Plan Design:- After the soil testing is done all necessary drainage and septic tanks is installed, the next step to drawn the design to indicate placement of septic systems and all necessary fixtures. Nothing can be done without designing the site, all features are drawn in hand or by using Autocad to make easy for the contractors do their job. The site plan will show access roads for construction vehicles, The site plan will also depict where the building should be after it is built. Unlike other steps taken in site preparation, the site plan is carried out in office by consultants. Site investigation The site I chose to do the site investigation is Geotechnical industry. Geotechnical site investigation is to characterize soil, rock and groundwater condition of the proposed site. A geotechnical site investigation is the process of collecting information and evaluating the conditions of the site for the purpose of designing and constructing the foundation for a structure, such as a building, plant or bridge. The steps taken to do Geotechnical site investigation are as follows. Good planning for and management of a geotechnical site investigation is the key to obtaining sufficient and correct site information for designing a structure in a timely manner and with minimum cost for the effort needed. The collection of geotechnical data and the preparation of a report for a proposed structure should be considered in four stages, namely. 1-Project definition prepared by the owner in conjunction with an architect if selected. The project definition consists of architectural/engineering foundation criteria such as loading and settlement; on or above ground structure; service life of structure, and proposed design/construction schedule. 2-Preliminary site and project evaluation conducted by the geotechnical consultant selected for the geotechnical site investigation. It consists of preliminary site review of past geotechnical investigations of nearby sites and a selection of likely foundation design(s) based on published literature and the geotechnical consultant knowledge of the site. This preliminary evaluation and a consensus by the owner are used to develop the detail of the proposed geotechnical site investigation. It will also determine if this phase would be done in one or two steps. In the case of small buildings located on good ground conditions, this phase could be done by means of an office evaluation to be followed by the geotechnical site investigation. In the case of a major building and possible difficult permafrost, this phase could be done in two steps. It would include a preliminary site visit by a geotechnical engineer with permafrost experience to collect visible data and performance information of existing buildings in order to complete the office phase of the evaluation and discuss the findings with the owner and architect, if selected, to prepare the detailed site program. 3-Geotechnical site investigation (test holes and sampling) and laboratory testing for soils characteristics. 4-Geotechnical report preparation with recommended foundation system options. The client may consider incorporating peer review in the overall process for projects that are large and/or located in difficult permafrost conditions. This should not be viewed as a confrontational exercise but as an additional resource to develop the best foundation design. The scope of these guidelines is to plan a geotechnical site investigation in frozen soils, report the results from field exploration and laboratory testing in terms of internationally recognized classification systems, and provide foundation design and construction recommendations that address both the building requirements and climate change. Bad Site Layout As seen in the above, the site is not safely and neatly put. Offices are so close to the construction place. Offices are supposed be installed some distance from the site to secure the safety of the people working inside the office. Furthermore, the store is at the middle of the construction site where its supposed to be at the corner of the site. This will hinder the movement of the vehicles. Last but not the least, there is not fencing barrier at the construction site. This is very important for both the people working at the construction and the pedestrians.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Computer Technology :: essays research papers
A computer is an electronic device that can receive a set of instructions or program and the carry out this program by performing calculations on numerical data or by compiling and correlating other forms of information. ("Computer" Encarta). It also performs calculations and processes information with astonishing speed and precision. Computer Technology has improved our lives. It will continue to affect our future which will lead to an easier, less complicated lifestyle, with more job opportunities and their benefits. ("Computer." America On-line).The modern world of high technology could not have come about except for the development of the computer. (Astle 1). Different types and sizes of computers find uses throughout society in the storage and handling of data, from secret government files to banking transactions to private household accounts.("Computer" Encarta). Research and development in the computer world moves simultaneously along two-paths hardware designs and software innovations work in each are alternately influences the other.("The Future Of Computers" America On-line)Computers help people in many different ways, but many people prefer to use paper and pencil to write and to use folders and file cabinets to organize there papers. ("The Future of Computers." America On-line.) Many people in the world use computers to make their lives easier. Such advances computer technology will benefit us all. People use computers for research, organization, writing, communication for personal or business matters and even to look up stock updates. (Astle 786). Whether it is personal or business, computers can help make our daily life easier. Typing is quicker and easier and its also a lot neater than hand writing. When you type on a computer you can look at them and open them a lot faster than having a folder of papers you have to carry around where ever you go. (Masters 654). Computers can also help with editing a paper, they can even check spelling and grammar. Typing on a computer today is probably the most common way people write there research papers, reports and other documents for school and business.("How Computers Make Your Life Easier" America On-line).Families can use computers to keep in touch with each other through E-mail.They help people talk with others all around the world, using different services and methods. ("Information Superhighway." America On-line). Since computers are used all over the world for research, almost all libraries and museums are based on computers. ("How Computers Make Your Life Easier" America On-line).
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Social Male Behaviors On Sundays Essay -- essays research papers
There are many misconceptions about Sundays and its effect on people. I’m here to clear it up from the male’s perspective, and to show women how to deal with these behaviors. Many women believe that Sunday is a sacred day, a time to be together with the one you love most and go to church . This is true, but Sunday is also the time for sports, testosterone driven activities, and for males to hang out with the other males. Sundays seems to bring out a primal instinct inside us men that lays dormant through out the week. These instincts are brought out by the excitement of sports and the surrounding. So here are some insights into our behaviors, eating habits, and our rituals to let you understand us better during these times.      One of the main rituals on Sundays is gathering of us male species at various places to be with others like us. One of the places the male species often go to are called bars. These places are like heaven to the male specie. I myself have had first hand experiences with these places. Last Sunday I decided to go to a local bar call Hooters with some of my buddies to observe these ritual behaviors for myself. Upon entering the bar, I knew that it was truly a place for us males to hang out. The walls were filled with sport memorabilia, and on all twelve television sets where either football games or other sport related things. Another thing that made it a true guys’ hang out were the good food and the waitresses. All of the waitresses were all shaped nicely, wearing provocative clothing which made them truly candy for the eyes. Another one of these places that we male species like to socialize is their own dwellings or another’s. When the male specie hang out they don’t like to do it alone, and so others males would join in on the fun. There are also requirements in order for the visiting males to be included in this ritual; they must present a â€Å"Gift of Flavor†upon the visit. Although we male species will consume almost anything that might be digestible on most days, Sundays on the other hand we male species will follow a strict diet. The diet states that, only food products that contain either great amount of salt, cheese, meat, or sugar may be consumed. Also that each serving of these foods must contain no less than 2 grams of fat, otherwise the food is considered sacrileges. Also the most essential part of... ... primal instincts will go away but there are time frames when these behaviors will start to decrease. People have noticed that they start to decrease after the last post game show on television had ended and football too is gone for the day. But some scientists believe that availability of alcohol plays a major part in the decrease, because the party is over when the drinks are gone. The only way that you can make it easier on you during these times is to just go with the flow. Be lazy too or fix things, by doing this you will notice that the time will fly by. Or you can pick up our hobbies, like football, drinking beer and hot wings. Because if we see that you’re cool we will invite you to our gatherings. But if think that doing these are not for you, you can just stay the hell away from us. Go to your parents’ house, girl friends’, or siblings’ and do your feminine activities. We won’t interfere with your rituals. But please understand it’s not our fault, we don’t do this because we want to, it just that it is part of being a man. And I hope in reading this you have learned and understand more about the men in your life. And that it’s up to you to decide how it will affect you.
Revenge and Downfall Essay -- essays research papers
Yasmin Nunez      In Shakespeare’s Hamlet, it is the desire for revenge that lies behind the motives of young Hamlet. His moral struggle towards revenge becomes an obsession leading to a change in character. His actions strongly imply that madness has overcome him. However, there are hints present in the text that implies his madness was feigned in order to achieve his revenge.      Immediately following the appearance of old King Hamlet’s ghost, Hamlet warns Horatio that he may act mad, which foreshadows a change in Hamlet’s character. The reader is prepared that any abnormal acts may be a result from Hamlet’s acting. As the play continues, more questions are raised that involve his sanity.      Ophelia, who was the first to witness his madness, offered an insight as she described Hamlet’s actions to her father. Hamlet, who was described as being mad, was speechless and only stared into Ophelia’s eyes. The bizarre actions of Hamlet are presumed to be an act, but the strong visualization of the scene can create doubt in a reader’s mind. If Hamlet was feigning his madness, then why would he want to frighten his girlfriend that he cared for so much?      As more events led to the questioning of Hamlet’s sanity, the reader was given a glimpse into the mind of Hamlet in the famous â€Å"To be or not to be†soliloquy. Hamlet’s questions of life and contemplation of suicide revealed h...
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Mobile Phone Use: Assess The Risks Compared With The Benefits Of Mobile Phone Use Particularly In Relation To Young People
Mobile phones, the 21st century way of communicating, are they a great thing that works wonders and revolutionize people's lives? Or are the risks to high a price to pay? I am going to investigate the risks of using mobile phones. Around 1/4 (6 million) of mobile phone users are under the age of 18 and the number of young users is expected to rise with the total numbers of users is meant to rise to 1.2 billion by 2005 with the fastest growing market as the 9-10 year olds. Consequently the questions – are children more at risk than others and what are the risks need to be asked and answered. Firstly health. The area of the brain and its reaction to radiation is very vague and scientists are not 100% sure about anything. There have been no specific experiments carried out by scientists and there is a big gap in our scientific knowledge in this area, but it has been shown that mobile phone use does affect brain activity and experts consider children to more vulnerable there are many reasons for this one of these is that children are not fully developed and their skulls are thinner and so it is easier for the radiation waves to penetrate the skull whereas a fully grown person will have a thicker skull and so is less at risk, although it has been proven through research that use of mobile phones speeds up an individuals reactions. Research has been done on 420 000 phone users to find out whether they have a link with cancer, no link was found. However, the incidence of brain cancer has increased 25% since 1973, according to the National Cancer Institute. Each year, 185,000 Americans will be diagnosed with a primary or metastatic brain tumour, according to the National Brain Tumour Foundation. Also, in another Swedish study a correlation was found between brain tumours and mobile phone use, regardless of which side of the head it is used. So all in all, though the current balance of evidence does not show health problems caused by mobile phones, it does show that mobile phone use does affect brain activity and this is not a problem the mobile phone manufacturers can ignore. Another aspect is base stations (masts.) Should we be worrying about these as well? It is said that the closer the phone is to a mast the safer they are. This is because they automatically reduce the output by about 1000th of the full power. Therefore, the more people who use the mobile phones; the more masts the companies will put up; the safer it will be to use the mobile phones. The heating affect from base stations is 5000x smaller than from the mobile phone itself. On the other hand, however, the environmental impact of masts might affect people's sense of well-being and there is a perceived risk from them to health, so there is particular concern when placed near schools. The expense is another issue there is definitely two sides to this argument. One side of the argument is that the mobile is an unnecessary expense for parents to cope with, and that the youngsters take advantage of their parents. On the other hand, if there is a problem with this, then the parents can either say ‘look use it sparingly', or refuse to pay the bills and buy them a pay and go phone where it is the child's problem if they have no money on their phones and they can pay for their own to-up vouchers. One advantage is that it frees up the landline home for the parents, as a parent – Anne Kent explains: â€Å"at first I thought it was unnecessary but soon changed my mind when I saw it freed up our phone at home,†and has the further advantage of reducing landline bills as a consequence. Clearly this problem can be easily solved it just needs a bit of common sense. This leads us onto the next area, children's safety (in relation to crime) and responsible use . One of the main advantages to young people having mobiles is that it gives their parents peace of mind so there are less worried parents especially those in remote areas, As Mrs Watson of Northumberland explains: â€Å"we felt it was important for Sian to have a mobile phone because living in the country we are very isolated.†Both parent and child are able to feel more secure only being a telephone call away from each other. On the other hand how secure is a child with the rising crime statistics. Crime is another big issue that should be considered carefully. Mobile phone robberies make up 36% of London's crime and 41% in Birmingham also. It has been said by the metropolitan police that mugging for mobile phones has increased by 53% in the last year with 11-16 years olds most at risk. 12% of young teenagers have had a phone stolen at least once, and most of this theft is carried out by black males in gangs. It is said by many that they only have phones to show off. So are you prepared to take the risk? The final issue is whether education is adversely affected. On the one hand many schools say this is not a problem in most cases because there are strict ‘no phone' rules. On the other hand, some say that mobiles have become the ‘teachers pest' with students using mobiles to text during lesson and so on. Another side to this is the language used in text messages for example: â€Å"cul8r†(see you later) could this destroy the English language? My verdict is that we cannot simply ban phones. It would be like banning the use of cars just because there is a risk of injury or damage. It's not right to take today's generation's way of communicating away from them. Another reason is that if they were banned or even just made illegal for children to have them, there would hundreds of thousands of jobs lost because the mobile phone industry is growing daily. We don't take the dummy from the baby or the car from the driver, so why the phone from the teenager. However, in the light of the evidence it would be equally foolish to use them wilfully. So sensible precautions should ensure safe use.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Odyssey/Siren Song Essay
Homer’s epic poem Odyssey tells the story of Odysseus’ encounter with the Sirens and their deadly song which is shown in Margaret Atwood’s poem â€Å"Siren Song.†When comparing each text, it is found that the Sirens are portrayed as temptresses that trap you with their beautiful, â€Å"honeyed voices.†The tone in the epic poem is bright in the beginning when Homer writes â€Å"Helios’ burning rays†and â€Å"the sun at high noon.†As the poem progresses, it takes on an ominous tone that shows Odysseus’ self-control as he â€Å"stop[s] the ears of [his] comrades one by one†with beeswax. He also has his men â€Å"[bind him] hand and foot in the tight ship†¦lashed by ropes to the mast.†These two examples show Odysseus fighting against his desire to listen to the Siren’s song. When Homer writes â€Å"and the heart inside me throbbed to listen longer†it shows how very hard it is for Odysseus to ignore the Siren’s call. In Margaret Atwood’s poem, the tone that is set is one of bereavement. The three Sirens understand that they are beautiful and that their call is tempting to every man but they consider the song as a â€Å"cry for help.†The Siren that is speaking in â€Å"Siren Song†refers to her trio as â€Å"fatal and valuable.†Imagery is used in both of the texts to portray the Sirens as beautiful women. For example, from Homer’s first-person point of view, they have â€Å"honeyed [and] ravishing voices,†and from Atwood’s first-person point of view, the Siren speaks of the trio as â€Å"picturesque†and â€Å"mythical.†The Siren that is speaking in Atwood’s poem refers to her trip as â€Å"feathery maniacs.†The imagery in this poem makes you pick up a subtle tone that the Sirens are like temptresses. They reel in the men with their gorgeous, tricky call even though the men can see the â€Å"beached skull†which symbolizes their fate of death. Their song may be â€Å"boring†but, in the Siren’s words, â€Å"it works every time.â€
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Contagion Movie Essay
In the movie called â€Å"Contagion†, a strange virus is affecting the U.S. population. There have been cases of death among scientists who try to discover the origin of the acute disease that is spreading rapidly through population. Within their studies it is believed that the cause was an attack rate. The virus possible spread from person to person, and the person who contracted it transferred it to another person. These investigations were conducted through descriptive and observational studies. This virus spread and they will have to act swiftly to prevent more deaths. This strange virus is threatening the lives of many Americans. It begins with rare symptoms like dizziness, cough, fever, and the worst part is that this virus is contagious. This means that a person who has contact with the patient or any object that is touched by the disease may quickly acquire it. The virus spreads rapidly throughout the body and in matters of weeks the patient becomes unconscious and die s. Scientists are beginning to conduct research to find what caused this virus. They gather statistics of mortality and discovered that people who have died similar deaths were in the same place. That place is probably where they acquired the virus. According to the scientist, these people were in Hong Kong in a meeting and obtained the virus which they later transferred to others. This research was described in a study, but they had to investigate more because of lack of knowing where, who, and how the virus was transmitted. In order to establish how it originated, experimental studies were conducted. They studied the bodies of the dead and took samples to see how dangerous this virus was and how they could attack to prevent further deaths. Meanwhile, the virus was being transmitted and had destroyed much of the population. The community begun behaving in mad, as they wanted to save themselves and did not have any vaccines to help. They created a cure for the virus but the new problem was that there are only a few doses available and people started to fight for them. The only advise given to the public was to not have contact with other people and avoid all places where there are crowds. The number of victims quickly reduced and cases like smallpox and other diseases reduced because of the drug that can attack the virus from the start. Contagion from the beginning is a very confusing movie. Due to the spike in the numbers of deaths, they know there is a problem that is severely affecting the population. No one knows, however, for sure what is causing it. It is not until the end of the movie when you realize the virus began with a bat which infected bananas. Those bananas were eaten by a pig and the pork was then contaminated. The pig was taken to a restaurant for food to be prepared and the chef transmitted the virus to another person through greetings. This was the origin of the dangerous virus. Contagion is an interesting movie because at first it was not clear what kind of disease was affecting the people.
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Reflective Report for Introduction to Financial Accounting
Reflective Report During the last term, i have had learned some knowledge from the subject called introduction to finical accounting. For me, this is the first time I had chance to learn this subject, before that I just heard some information about IFA by reading the FT newspaper and watching the news. When I start learning that, this subject gives me the impression that it is difficult to understand. During the past few months, I can say I already mastered some of the skills in IFA.I can still remember the first lecture I had learned was the definition of the â€Å"Accounting Equation†, I can conclude that the most important thing you must master is you should try to distinguish the meaning of the capital, assets and liability. Assets are economic resources of the business that are expected to bring benefits for the business in the future, the Important point is it can bring you benefits in the future instead of consuming at the end of the year. Capital, we can also called ow ners’ equity is the economic resources that was contributed by the owners of the business to the business.The last component is liability which is the name given to the amounts owing to these people or organizations for these assets. The format of the accounting equation is capital + liabilities = assets. When I learn this subject, I think the interesting part is the double entry which is the basic part of the whole subject. What I have learned is each transaction requires one debit entry and one credit entry and for each pair of entries: the left hand side must therefore equal right hand , only you know how to put the items into debit part or credit part can you prepare the account correctly.In my opinion, mastering this skill essentially is very necessary for my future careers. I think the future financial professional is not limited in numeracy skills. The reason is this area is requiring the accountant have ability to be able to explain and analyze the transactions, maste ring numeracy skills is essential for every accountants but I think the most important factor is having an analytical ability in order to deal with different types of transactions efficiently.Back to the subject, besides the double entry, the next basic point is the transactions analysis, which is very significant to future professional, always be awareness of professional judgment and personal effectiveness. When we going to analyze one transaction, the first thing we should concentrate on is transaction whether cause stock to increase or decrease. Stock increasing consists of the purchase of additional goods and the return into the business goods previously sold. However, stock decreasing involves the sale of goods and goods bought by the business now being returned out to a supplier.When you handle one transaction the first step is going to prepare Journals, determine nature and double entry of each of the transactions. The second step is open up T-account and post entries as you go through the Journals. Once posting complete, â€Å"Close†accounts for the month. The third step is transferring all ledgers to trial balance. It required the total of all debit balances should equal the total of credit balances. I also learn how to prepare the statement of income, according to the format gross profit= sales – cost of sales, calculate the gross profit then plus other income and minus expenses calculate net profit or loss.The next stage is starting to prepare the balance sheet. The balance sheet comprises those accounts with balances that not included in the income statement. A properly drawn up balance sheet should have five categories of entries: Non-current assets, Current assets, Non-current liabilities and Capital. All above these skills support me to develop the technical and functional expertise gradually. The skills I have developed are all for preparing accounts manually. Tutor also takes highly of the importance of using MYOB project.In ou r day-to-day studying time, most of time we prepare accounts manually, but we also should try to use a computer package to prepare accounts. Let me indicate my feeling when I use MYOB. When I handle one transaction I should create one computer and write related information in detail, then start to prepare a journal according to the transaction. Write the date accordingly, when I use this software, I don’t know where to start. I find the significance of understanding double entry; you should know each transaction whether is assets account capital account liability account.If put it in a wrong entry, what we have done is all in vain. I ought to also prepare account for bank, purchase, sales and depreciation, this procedure is a little complex. When I prepare T-account at the same time I must recorded. Return back the main menu select the report, it shows the trial-balance, different statement of income and statement of financial position, all of that will appear automatically i n place of preparing manually. Have ability to good use of MYOB project is very necessary, which will avoid existing of errors so as to save time and help you become professional.Through MYOB project and prepare account manually, I am aware of the importance of numeracy skills to a future financial professional. Numeracy skill means have ability of counting correctly, distinguishing between sets of unequal quantities, operations such as subtraction and addition. So, numeracy is a foundation of the financial professional in order to make sure the transaction smooth going. Moreover, IT skills are playing an important role to the financial professional, according to Professor Jane K.Winn (2000) of the University Of Washington School Of Law, â€Å"Financial institutions were at the forefront in creating the global information economy as it exists today. †We can conclude that finance cannot live without information technology skills. Information technology concentrates on the gro wth of electronic networks that exchange information. The reason why IT is so important for financial professional is that all financial transactions contain the exchange of information, the increasing popularity of online finance accorded with advances in IT fields.After finishing the bookkeeping test, I can summarize some of my learning experience and I have my own notions in learning some of difficulty parts. The learning style I preferred is when you are taught a new topic, you should fully understand it immediately in case of delaying it into another day. In addition, you’d better do a revision at the end of the weekend; this will help you master this topic better. However, I also suffered some difficulties during the last few months, when I learn a topic called depreciation; I always confused with depreciation for non-current assets and disposal.Therefore, . I always prepares wrong account for disposal and provision for depreciation due to the wrong depreciation figure. Though, I try to find out the effective method to solve this problem. Try to distinguish the time that owner buy or sale the machinery so as to prepare the cost account and provision for depreciation account properly. The core point is loss/profit on disposal that will always ignored. I always remind myself to balance the disposal account as the first step, after that working out the loss/profit on disposal, finally put it into the income statement.The provision for doubtful debts account has a similar issue as the disposal account. In my view, the most annoying thing is combine the expense account with the accrual and prepayment account, it always made me crazy. But I never give up; always keep the faith to solve these problems. I think the best way to avoid this confusion is totally up to you. Once you have made a mistake, you must discover the weakness of this part and try your best to solve this problem so that you will never make the same mistake over and over again.This metho d would not only be helpful for your learning in the future, but also would bring a surprise and achievability to you. Another main point is being awareness of cooperation. Through discussing with your friends, you can also easy to find the solution. My tutor helps me a lot during the last few months as well. He told me how to analyze the workshop questions step by step. When I was in trouble, he inspires me a lot and helps me to solve the problems. As the year progresses, I changed a lot. Those skills I have developed helped me become more logical and meticulous when deal with the different types of accounting transactions.Additionally, I have made my brain more clearly by writing the reflective report. I can reflect on what I have learnt last term and which parts should I improve? After doing my learning experience, I find an effective way to prepare accounts and analyze transactions. Thinking a lot and doing more exercise will also bring me more benefits for my exam and future ca reer. Reference: Jane K. W (2000), University of Washington School of Law: Catalytic Impact of Information Technology on the New International Financial Architectureâ€
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
Answers of qustion the Business process management (BPM) Essay - 1
Answers of qustion the Business process management (BPM) - Essay Example Business Process Management tries to continuously improve business processes through decreasing costs and increasing revenues, thereby creating a competitive advantage over rival competitors (Rainer & Cegielski, 2011). In contrast, Capability Maturity Models refer to process improvement approaches aimed at helping an organization’s software development process. Capability Maturity Models were developed and promoted by the Software Engineering Institute (SEI), which is a research and development center that is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Defense (â€Å"What is Capability Maturity Model†). A Capability Maturity Model is used to present guidelines on process improvement during a project’s lifetime or with an entire organization. In both organizational development and software engineering, Capability Maturity Models serve as process improvement approaches. Through this, organizations get to assess essential elements, resulting in effective process improvement . Business Process Management governance and Capability Maturity Models allow product developers to achieve great levels of maturity in the software development process. Harmon (2007) points out that there are a number of factors that determine the maturity process of a software product in an enterprise.
The Impact of the Affordable Care Act on Health Care Assignment
The Impact of the Affordable Care Act on Health Care - Assignment Example In addition, there is deemed to be a distribution shortfall in the number of people that can take drugs to all the parts of the nation. With more practitioners distributed in the urban area, there is a problem in the number of people that can access quality health care in all the states in the US. The looming retirements is also another factor that further compounds the problem of workforce shortages in the country that will only increase more pressure on the government to do more to ensure that the population gets access to quality and accessible healthcare. It is also important to note that with the increase in the number of patients there will also be a lot of patients that require a high intensity of care. These patients require 24HR care and supervision. With the ACA in play and more people projected to have acquired health Insurance in the next few years the number of people dying due to these conditions will only increase. There ACA has directly impacted the workforce who incl udes the nurses and physicians alike. With the increase in the number of patients, the number of patients that a nurse attends to in a day has increased. The physicians are also affected since this increases their cumulative visits and changes in their shifts to ensure that the number of unattended patients is reduced. One of the effects of the changes is the heavier workloads as aforementioned. The heavy workloads are stressing workforce that eventually leads to medical errors that can be fatal to the patients.
Monday, August 12, 2019
HoneyGrow Philadelphia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
HoneyGrow Philadelphia - Essay Example As earlier stated, the company provides a wide variety of fast foods. Apart from stir-frys, plus salads which have lots of ingredients, the firm’s menu contains juices from fresh fruits with no additives. Since its establishment, the firm’s product demand from its customers is experiencing a steady upward trajectory. Consequently, the company’s target audience is the group of consumers who like fast foods, salads, yoghurt and lovers of honey. For this case, Honey Grow has resorted to extending its product line so as to enable other customers access its products. Honeygrow will also add other new product lines in areas such as tri-state. It will expand its product line as far as the River Hudson and the meatpacking District. The company will further take up two neighboring positions of the Italian Restaurant. As it occupies that space, the dà ©cor in the Italian restaurant will be salvaged so as to be used in the upcoming store. The company has a high potential of growth due to its strategic location. The strengths of the company also contribute to its growth. In addition, Honey Grow is not likely to fall out of the market soon due to the stiff competition that is currently prevailing since it has proper and robust strategies in place. This competition comes from the new restaurants which are sprouting up in most locations. The marketing atmosphere has also been friendly to the company’s quality products. Therefore, it will survive the stiff competition as it provides healthy products, which are probably fresh with no additives. Fina lly the use of touch screen system motivates individuals as they can choose what they want from a variety of available ingredients. As the company’s founder, Justin Rosenberg has worked for Honey Grow since its establishment in 2012. HoneyGrow reflects Justin Rosenberg’s passion for healthy foods and other fast
Sunday, August 11, 2019
Problem Resolution in Corrections Research Paper
Problem Resolution in Corrections - Research Paper Example A vision of this scale requires harmonized and joint attempts on the division of correctional companies to set up a â€Å"seamless†network of relations as well as communication; the Transition/Re-entry Action plan is an organizational guide toward accomplishing this goal (Altschuler, Armstrong & MacKenzie, 2006). The job, independently and jointly, is to create and strengthen the awareness; skills, principles, beliefs, as well as other qualifications that criminal will need so as to be successful in the society. As shown above, this may be attained in a range of methods, comprising the formation of a correctional setting that holds criminals liable for satisfying real-world qualities of work, in school and in the society. Mutually, as a united and combined set of organizations with a universal goal, we may make it come to pass. DOP-Training Services: Include a more wide-ranging transition initiative in the colleges to better train adolescents for release and incorporate an ultimate benchmark for transition in the Yearly Reassessment of Instructive Services. Supply computerization of a checklist of what has been accomplished as well as what requires to be done prior to release; partake in debates with organization staff to make easy sharing of data and computerization of process. Action Steps: 1). Develop a closer functioning association with DOP before release. 2). Improve DOP to permit better right of entry across departments. 3). Carry out combined Primary education meetings for correctional leaders as well as on trial or parole detectives to comprise case administration, transition, and discharge scheduling. 4). Start local transition job groups across departments and make use of resource meetings. 5). Create films to assist debate transition problems with households, employees and prisoners. Provide computerization of a checklist of what has been accomplished and what requires to be performed
Saturday, August 10, 2019
Judicial Decision Making Analysis Research Paper
Judicial Decision Making Analysis - Research Paper Example The West Virginia State School Board v Barnette is a case in point. The Supreme Court had ruled that states cannot compel students to salute the American flag. No punitive action whatsoever could be taken either against the students concerned or their parents/guardians. In fact, it was an overruling of an earlier decision in Minersville School District v Gobitis. â€Å"The very purpose of the Bill of Rights was to withdraw certain subjects from the vicissitudes of political controversy, to place them beyond the reach of majorities and officials†(as cited in West Virginia State Board of Education v. Barnette, 319 U.S. 624, 1943). The court decreed that it was essential to keep such subjects outside the influence of majorities so that numerical strength by way of legislation would not trample the rights of minorities. Similarly, administrative orders and decisions were open to arbitrary interpretations on the part of officials. These were not all-encompassing and were rigidly e nforced. Such decisions always left people with grievances. Legal Subculture Every profession breeds its own culture within the over-arching culture of a place. While culture by itself is a relative term, a similar work atmosphere creates common conditions which lead to common aspirations and also a common world view. Hence, a legal subculture develops which comprises all those involved in the judicial process. These include legal practitioners, students of law and the administrative support personnel involved. A prolonged interaction with law makes even the seekers of justice imbibe the nuances of law. Such seekers are known to become comfortable with legal jargon, which is derisively known as ‘legalese’ in common parlance. Hence, the influence of legal subculture on those who practise it is even greater. There is a constant exchange of ideas between people of the same profession which is also the case here. What prompted the ruling in this case (or the overruling of t he Minersville case) is also the effect of the legal subculture to an extent. No decision can be taken in isolation. Human factors when coupled with people in a similar environment lead to such rulings. That the earlier decision had been overturned shows the influence of the public on the legal sub-culture in this case. The figure six-to-three for the ruling was not arrived at the spur of the moment. It was only due to deliberations among the various judges that resulted in this ruling. The sub-culture is primarily responsible for the exchange of ideas among the Justices in this context. It must also be remembered that the three dissensions are also due to the same sub-culture which allows divergent views to manifest and coexist with the majority views. Judicial Background The Gobitis case had had a profound influence over the Barnette case. It can be said that it was a curtain raiser to what unfolded three years later. There had been a review by the judges examining the Barnette ca se in the light of the previous ruling. The court ruled that compelling school children to salute the flag was unconstitutional.  â€Å"The Court found that such a salute was a form of utterance and was a means of communicating ideas â€Å" (The Oyez Project at IIT Chicago, Kent College of Law). The compulsory flag salute was in violation of the First Amendment which
Friday, August 9, 2019
Corrections Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Corrections - Research Paper Example 17 states are in the spotlight where the population of prisoners is higher than the capacity of the prison cells to hold them, which not only causes problems for the prison policies but also shows that the facilities designed for the captives are lacking. It was observed that at the end of 2013, Illinois alone housed 48,653 prisoners while, the prisons are modeled only to hold 32,075 prisoners. This meant that the prison system is operating at 151 percent of its actual capacity. North Dakota accordingly has been housing 150 percent of its prison capacity capacity(Wilson). Prisons in all the states in America are facing the issue of overcrowding and inmates tend to take advantage of it. If prison budgets are not increased, then there will be no facilities for inmates to get back on track which means the cycle of crime is to continue without an out. As the prisoner influx increases, the number of prison guards is seen to be decreasing. In 2005, the government reduced the number of guards which means that the imbalance of ratio not only proves hazardous to life inside the prison but might impact the life outside the prison walls as well (McLaughlin). There are many ways by which the problem of overcrowding can be overcome which includes updating laws and reviewing the prison state conditions. Tackling prison overcrowding is an important issue that needs to be dealt with. If the budget of the prisons is not increased to sustain prisoner influx, then it is deemed that it might promote the states to have an early release option for prisoners. California is one such example where the overcrowding situation led the Supreme Court to order to reduce the population of its prisoners by 30,000 on the base facts that it was against the constitution (McLaughlin). In conclusion, serious efforts need to be made to reduce the inmate population and control the influx while sustaining a population that is not
Thursday, August 8, 2019
Basketball Point Guard Training Program Research Paper
Basketball Point Guard Training Program - Research Paper Example which they are able to perform different actions but also must consider all those actions that are required to develop their performance on continuous basis (Hatfield & Brody, n. d.). Conversely, outcome goals are mainly concerned with the end results that the athletes desire to achieve. It has been apparently observed that outcome goals are closely associated with process goals. The process goals are considered to be the paths that lead the athletes to achieve the positive outcomes (Hatfield & Brody, n. d.). The athletes should divide the goals into such activities that can be easily achieved as short-term goals. The achievement of these goals will certainly make the training programs interesting as well as boost the confidence of the athletes by a greater extent. On the other hand, long term goals rely upon the successful achievement of short-term goals. In this regard, failure to achieve short term goals will ultimately lead towards collapse in accomplishing long-term goals (Hatfield & Brody, n. d.). Training is regarded to be important aspect for any athletes that sharpens and develops necessary qualities as well as skills in order to render outstanding performances particularly in the sports arena. Athletes become more efficient and skillful only when they are provided with quality training program. In relation to basketball training program, it has been observed that it is quite difficult for a basketball team to succeed in any competition without a strong point guard. Any basket ball teams greatly rely upon point guards for their success in the competition. Point guards often act as a catalyst between the teammates and their likely performances to attain success. The prime objective of point guard training program is to develop certain skills of the athletes like dribbling, outside shooting, conditioning, passing and faking skills for achieving highest performance during the competitions (Special Olympics Nova Scotia, 2007). The point guard also called
Wednesday, August 7, 2019
An equal opportunity of Homosexuality through history Essay
An equal opportunity of Homosexuality through history - Essay Example isms, the homosexual community is often described as marginalised and vulnerable since they are at high risk of coping with psychosocial problems in relation to both actual and anticipated reactions of fear from the people around them. The homosexuals may be also prone to harassment, physical and verbal attacks, and the risk of being exposed to having an HIV infection, and STD particularly for the male homosexuals (Clermont & Durand, 1997, p.8). This paper seeks to discuss an issue concerning homosexuality particularly with regard to the health and social care of homosexuals. Furthermore, this seeks to evaluate the impact of historical and contemporary beliefs of homosexuality from an anti-heterosexist perspective. Empirical studies on homosexuality only began in the late 20th century regardless of the number of case studies and theoretical writings conducted particularly with regard to its treatment (Morin, 1977, p.630). Contemporary beliefs on gays and lesbians were greatly changed and influenced due to the pioneering studies that centered on homosexuality. Among the most influential of these pioneering studies were probably those of Martin, Kinsey, and Pomeroy whose works have demonstrated the extensive presence of homosexual behaviour contrary to what most people previously believed in (1948 cited in Morin, 1977, p.630). In the early times, most psychologists and psychiatrists believed that homosexuality is associated to a mental disorder (McConaghy, 1993, p.127). Other scholars considered it as a symptom of emotional disorder while others regard it as one of the severe disorders of intelligence and personality (Hooker, 1957; Curran, et al., 1980 cited in McConaghy, 1993, p.127). These beliefs, however, may imply a liberal approach or attitude toward homosexuality considering that its long history of moral and legal beliefs was perceived to be as unnatural and criminal. Above all, its existence in traditional societies is usually cited as the common
Love in Infant Monkeys Analysis Essay Example for Free
Love in Infant Monkeys Analysis Essay A mother can impact lives greatly. Could you imagine growing up without a mother? You can either be very lucky with a mother that cares for you or be deprived of that sense of love from a mother figure. It is inhumane to destroy any kind of maternal bond because mothers are not people to depend on, but are people to make depending not required. In my opinion, Harry doesn’t understand the true meaning of mothers earlier in the story but does get they have some sort of value. The repercussions of this lie in the story. Many times he brings up mothers whether it’s with his sick wife or the infant monkey’s mother. Harlow must not think much of mothers in general based off of what was said in the story, â€Å"Mother’s are useful, †¦in scientific terms†(Harlow 310). A solid explanation is the fact that he obviously does not totally understand the strip down meaning of mother. Harlow is now drawing a very small part of the very big picture, â€Å"They have intrinsic value, even beyond their breast milk. Call it their company†(Harlow 310). He gets that mothers naturally belong and that they are sort of important to the people they need to influence and care for, no matter if they are human or not. However, at this point in the story he doesn’t comprehend the true values of mother. Harlow later in the story conducts an experiment with an infant monkey and its mother that should give him closure about his hypothesis. Without compassion he begins tests, â€Å"Anxiety first, shown in trembling and shaking; then come the screams†(311). This examines Harlow and his lack of realization and empathy towards mothers and how they have essentials that are beyond scientific. Slowly though, he begins to show and give in to his inner feelings about mothers. It takes a few experiments for him to realize â€Å"Time after time, baby monkeys return. Bad mother is better then none†(312). It took time and cruel methods but Harlow is almost at the point where he accepts the true meaning of Mother. The turning point was the â€Å"Deep swig†(Millet 314). In his drunken self-conscience the truth was released. He began to fathom the underlying details that he couldn’t pick up from his time with the monkeys earlier. Still trying to hold on to thoughts put into his mind, â€Å"He mistook each infant monkey for a beloved soul. In that way the nightmare was confusing†(Millet 314). As you can see it is still in his conception not to believe himself that what he was doing was wrong. This is a battle between his self-conscience and what he was taught to believe. Finally, actuality kicked in, â€Å"He saw each infant in the heart of its mother, precious, unique, held so close because the mother was willing to die for it.†(314). What Harlow saw was the absolute certainty of what his inner being was desperately attempting to communicate to him. It was that he was wrong. The test subjects before him were real living things just like himself. The mother is a complex creature proven throughout the story. These actions all help express why mothers and their presence are so important. As shown, they are very crucial in the development of younger beings. The mother is a helper by nature, impacting by teaching its child to survive at life. Independence is the arch lesson that is taught by the mother. Harlow enduringly grasps the cardinal meaning of why it is inhumane to destroy any kind of maternal bond. Mothers are not people to depend on, but are people to make depending not required.
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