Sunday, April 19, 2020
Security Recommendations for Accounts and Passwords
Introduction Security is a very important issue in computer systems and most organizations dedicate significant resources in securing their systems.Advertising We will write a custom assessment sample on Security Recommendations for Accounts and Passwords specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Easttom (2006) observes that protecting the system’s perimeters from external attacks and installing antivirus software and anti-spyware does not complete the securing efforts. Proper configuration of the machines is necessary for the network to be considered secure. Knowledge on how to secure accounts and make adequate use of passwords is therefore very important for computer users and administrators. Easttom (2006) provides recommendations on accounts and passwords from the NSA, Microsoft, and himself. This paper will discuss other recommendations on accounts and passwords and discuss them with particular emphasis being given to areas in which they differ from recommendations offered by Easttom. Analysis of Recommendations Prevention of unauthorized access is a core goal of computer security. The primary means used by many intruders to access the system is by trying the default settings. Strebe (2004) recommends that the default user account settings should always be reconfigured since they provide an easy starting point for potential intruders who wish to gain access to the network. Most default settings are not configured to offer optimal security and changing them will increase the security level of the system.Advertising Looking for assessment on it? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The visibility of the available user accounts should be hidden. By making use of the â€Å"Name and Password†option as opposed to the â€Å"List of users†option for the login window improves the security of the system. This is because without a visible list of us ers, an intruder will have a harder time hacking into the computer since they have to guess not only the password but also the name of the user. Another recommendation is that the password hint feature should be disabled. While this feature might be helpful for the legitimate user who has forgotten their password, it will also make it easier for an intruder to guess the password and then gain access into the system. SANS (2012) observes that a password hint like â€Å"my family name†will easily help an intruder to break into the account. Even if best practices are followed when opening new accounts, the system can be compromised if the account becomes inactive when the employee leaves the organization. A malicious former employee whose account is still active can compromise the system from outside since the system still recognizes him/her as a legitimate user. SANS (2012) recommends that an audit of all accounts in the system should be done regularly and all inactive account s dealt with. Tracking account will be integral to the security of the system since it will enable the administrator to promptly identify dormant accounts and remove them from the system. User accounts which have not been utilized for a set period of time should be disabled. While an account is disabled, all the files associated with it should be moved to a secure location to prevent any intruder from accessing them. Monitoring of attempted access to deactivated accounts can help the administrator to identify hacking attempts.Advertising We will write a custom assessment sample on Security Recommendations for Accounts and Passwords specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Account lockout policies are important since they prevent a user from making an infinite number of wrong login attempts. Easttom (2006) recommends a number of account lockout durations, which include 3 hours for the account lockout threshold and 48 hours if someone atte mpts to crack the password during weekends. After the lockout time has expired, the account is automatically unlocked. The CERT (2012) recommends that automatic unlocks after the specified lockout duration should not be used. Instead, the security professionals must manually review the case and then proceed to unlock it after the investigation is complete. By conducting a manual review, the administrator will be able to identify anomalous activity and take appropriate action against it. If the account is unlocked automatically, the unsuccessful intruder might continue with the attempts and eventually break into the account. Users who make use of their work accounts outside the office might have remote access to their account. Remote access increases the risk that the individual will log in from a public computer therefore exposing their login credentials to others. The CERT (2012) recommends that remote access should be restricted and specific IP addresses should be used if it is po ssible. If this is not possible, then concurrent logins should be guarded against and users should only be able to have one active session at any time. Any concurrent login attempt should be flagged down by the security personnel and a review of the login attempts done to help track attempted hackings.Advertising Looking for assessment on it? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Easttom (2006) recommends restricting administrator rights to only the users who need such privileges on a regular basis. This notion is supported by SANS (2012) who asserts that uncontrolled administrative privileges might be used to perpetrate attacks against the system. The CERT (2012) confirms that a hacker who gains access to an account which has administrative privileges can do just about anything on the compromised machine. Having administrative privileges loosely and widely distributed therefore increases the risks to the system from outside attacks since intruders can access more resources once they compromise an account with administrative privileges. Administrators normally create accounts for all the users and assign them with a generic password such as â€Å"password†. Walshaw (2000) states that once an account has been created, the users should be forced to change password during the next logon. By implementing such a practice, the scenario where a community of users have the same password will be avoided and the security of the network will therefore be increased. Strebe (2004) recommends assigning random passwords for each user and having the specific user report to the administrator in person to receive it. This approach prevents account compromise, which can occur if a user who was allocated an account does not actually need it and therefore never logs on to change the default password Effective password management is important for ensuring account security. One measure for ensuring this is setting the password age. Easttom (2006) recommends that the maximum password age should be set at 60days (2months) while Microsoft and NSA both recommend 46days (1.5 months). The rationale behind this is that people are unlikely to change their password unless they are obligated to. Even then, they are likely to make use of the same set of two to three favorite passwords. Forcing users to select a new password within a given duration of time will i ncrease the security of the network. This is because such a policy will safeguard against the sharing of passwords since the user will be forced to keep changing their password on a regular basis. However, forcing people to frequently change their passwords might be detrimental to the security of the system. This is because such a policy will cause users to select very easily guessed passwords so that they do not forget the passwords (Strebe, 2004). In other cases, the user might simply modify their simple password slightly so they can keep reusing them. SANS (2012) agrees with this notion by suggesting that user-level passwords should be changed in six months. Instead of enforcing frequent changes, users can be required to memorized highly cryptic passwords. Users are advised to avoid using similar passwords for all their accounts since if an attacker breaks into one account, they can have access to all the other accounts. However, users might have a hard time tracking the numerous passwords used for all their different accounts. Some might resort to using the same password for every account. This is very dangerous since compromise on one account will lead to security problems at the organization. The CERT (2012) recommends the use of a password manager to help users store and trace their unique passwords. A password manager is more secure than writing the password on a piece of paper since it keeps the passwords protected at a central location. Conclusion Computer systems have many risks and effective security measures must be employed to guard against these risks. In addition to investing in security measures such as firewalls and antivirus software, the organization should adhere best security practices provided by various authorities in security implementation. This paper has reviewed some recommendations on accounts and passwords in order to identify the best practices that can ensure optimal protection. By adhering to these recommendations, the organiza tion will be able to benefit from a secure computer network. References CERT (2012). Technical Information Paper-TIP-11-075-01 System Integrity Best Practices. Web. Easttom, C. (2006). Network defense and countermeasures: Principles and practices. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson. Strebe, M. (2004). Network Security Foundations: Technology Fundamentals for IT Success. NY: John Wiley Sons. SANS (2012). Critical Control 16: Account Monitoring and Control. Web. Walshaw, R. (2000). Mission Critical Windows 2000 Server Administration. NY: Elsevier. This assessment on Security Recommendations for Accounts and Passwords was written and submitted by user Johnny Harvey to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Saturday, April 18, 2020
All About Submit an College Essay after Deadline
All About Submit an College Essay after Deadline New Questions About Submit an College Essay after Deadline There are more than a few reasons to buy a custom critical analysis at Buy-Custom-Writings. You've done the best that you could with the situation you've got. Some decisions will be positive, though others could be disconcerting. In fact, beside deadlines, it's the only thing. Identify ways that you could promote the conference. Our writing team contains experienced pros with various academic backgrounds and they're always prepared to work for you. If you wish to purchase aviation papers, then you need to know our team is composed of the most effective all-American freelance writers readily available, and we assure you of high-quality papers delivered punctually! For many students, it's a significant challenge for the reason that it involves good analytical and critical thinking abilities. Submit an College Essay after Deadline It's possible for you to create just a single student account and submit only 1 application for the year you mean to enroll. The travel grant is just a subsidy. An excellent application for a student travel grant should consist of convincing demonstration that you truly count on the grant as a way to attend the conference. If you should make modifications to the info you submitted inside your application, you can do so onlin e from your own personal dashboard and Rutgers Status Screen. As soon as it is crucial not to rush through the college application procedure, it's also an extremely very good idea to receive your application submitted as early as possible. Complete the on-line application carefully as it can't be changed after it's been submitted. Your application is currently prepared to be reviewed! The internet application provides somewhere to list six honors and awards in addition to six activities. Definitions of Submit an College Essay after Deadline College essays are extremely private, personal compositions, therefore it's clear to see why you wouldn't wish to share it with someone. Rutgers requires you to provide a brief essay of your initial work. You shouldn't ask a relative or friend to compose an official letter of recommendation, and we do not advise submitting more than one. An additional letter of recommendation or an award is not likely to produce a great deal of difference. If you would like to understand Sociopaths Regina's a good example. You're doing your best, but the outcomes are sometimes not satisfying. Your Social Security number is going to be required. With the wrong SSN, colleges won't be able to locate and identify you. Check to make certain your scores are sent. The Meaning of Submit an College Essay after Deadline If you would like to find high excellent research and thesis papers punctually and for a sensible price, you should probably try out using EssaySupply. Our Harvard style papers are also custom written based on the instructions supplied by our clientele. Even should you need to purchase research paper done in 6 hours, you can rely on us. What's more, we guarantee your future paper is g oing to be carried out in compliance with the greatest academic standards, so be positive that applying for our help, you make the very best option. A fast look at your college's website will allow you to know whether you've got more time to apply or if you must submit extra info, so have a look. Never purchase or book any component of your conference trip before it's obvious you will be in a position to attend and that the travel grant will pay for the expenses, unless you're content to cover any resulting costs yourself. Like every portion of the academic essay procedure, making the ideal review takes time, energy and practise. At the close of the day, the choice to submit extra info or materials comes down to your private discretion.
Wednesday, April 15, 2020
What Can I Do For Students Who Live Near Me?
What Can I Do For Students Who Live Near Me?My students and I have been discussing the benefits of online college essay tutoring, particularly from students in the 'near me' of the internet. In other words, from those who live a good distance away from me in suburban Illinois. This is a very good thing because it means that my students get to spend more time with me and that I get to help them with their essay writing.However, the issue is that my students are usually busy people who don't have much time to travel and go to be tutored by someone in their vicinity. They might be stuck in their jobs and they want to finish their work, so that they can get home to their families. They also might be in a bad mood after a tiring day at work and they want to get some much needed rest.So what can I do for them? Well, I can use the internet to provide them with service that I would otherwise not be able to afford. For example, I can use the Internet to provide them with essay coaching servic es for free. The internet is also one of the most efficient communication mediums for me to provide my students with the best service.One way that I can get free services is by having a website that I can host on my own. I can then offer to offer the service of essay tutoring to my near me audience for free if they provide my site with the needed information about them.Then again, I can get the same service from a company that I can get my service from in the nearby area. In this case, I will just need to charge them for the service of essay coaching.Of course, for some people the closest neighbor is not even within a nearby area. In these cases, there is another solution: the use of Skype. It might be a bit more expensive than a normal telephone call, but it is quite convenient for students in the near me area.This will also be much cheaper than having a college essay tutor who lives in the same neighborhood as you. This might be a little bit of a hassle, but I think it is still be tter than spending your valuable time on someone who cannot or will not provide you with the service that you need.Having access to college essay help that is fast and convenient, is great for people who live a short distance away from me. I am not saying that it is impossible to get this service from a nearby service provider. Rather, I am pointing out that I do have the option of choosing a nearby service provider and making my job easier.
Monday, April 13, 2020
Research Paper Topics For Civil War Soldiers
Research Paper Topics For Civil War SoldiersIf you're interested in a career in the military, it's important to know what research paper topics for Civil War soldiers are. Being prepared and reading about your options will give you the advantage when selecting your topic. A typical research paper for a Civil War soldier starts with a chapter on the subject, followed by a summary and the essay itself. In this way, you'll be able to write a concise overview of the topic, while still presenting a comprehensive account of a person's life.The first part of the research paper for Civil War soldiers is an overview of the soldier's experience. If you're writing for a military history course, you might want to use an excerpt from the main text to help explain the soldier's role in the war. However, if you're writing for a general education class, then you should try to tackle this part at a much higher level. Try to dig deep and connect the events and life experiences to major decisions. This will give you a great idea of what the main war was like.Since the Civil War was not fought on a field, but instead on an open battlefield, every aspect of the war is a worthy topic for a research paper. Whether you're studying a large city, a small town, or even the backwoods of the South, the best research paper topics for Civil War soldiers include political and economic changes as a result of the war. When looking for topics that go beyond a single event, you should keep in mind that researching events and experiences that happened within a short period of time is less difficult than digging through primary sources.A good number of Civil War soldiers were women, so the next step is to focus on those topics. Women are often neglected in studies on Civil War soldiers, and one possible solution to this problem is to ask your students to read memoirs by women who served in the military. You can also investigate other women in the war, including teachers and nurses. You can use thes e memoirs and findings as starting points for a more thorough examination of the life experiences of women during the Civil War.As mentioned above, the Civil War was not fought on a field; therefore, you'll want to include a chapter on equipment and tactics. This should include but is not limited to, a discussion of how the various weapons were used, and the effects that different weaponry had on the battlefield. You'll also want to discuss a comparison between a gunfight and a battle, and how equipment like bayonets might have been used differently in each situation. It's best to read books on the subject to gain a better understanding of the subject, though you can also learn a lot from military museum exhibits and the internet.One way to make sure that you cover the important aspects of Civil War soldiers is to choose your research topics carefully. You might want to focus on leaders in the army, such as Generals Lee and Davis. You might want to find research papers or other docu ments related to the career of one or two generals. The list of possibilities is nearly endless.The most important aspect of researching Civil War soldiers is to come up with a compelling thesis statement. If you do this well, your students will be eager to finish the work and hand it in. While it's certainly not necessary to write a thesis, it can be helpful to have one so that the final product conveys the strength of your argument.When researching Civil War soldiers, the topic doesn't have to be a monumental event in the life of the individual. Because the topic is more personal, it is often better to discuss personal experiences and observations that can be researched quickly and easily using public records and memoirs.
Saturday, April 11, 2020
Does Bucknell College Require and Essay?
Does Bucknell College Require and Essay?At some point in your college life, you will need to write an essay or else you will be stuck at the bottom of the class. Bucknell College has some rules that make this part a little more difficult than other colleges.The first rule is that all written work must be original. Other college's essay requirement include plagiarism, so if you do happen to follow these rules and someone writes a similar essay it could mean disqualification from college. As such, writing must be original in order to keep your grade intact.Most colleges have strict policies on plagiarism, and this is even more so for writing. Bucknell's essay requires that the authorship of a written work be directly attributable to a class instructor. So if someone writes a paper with citations based on another students' work, they will most likely get a D.Some writing assignments can be scored as more difficult than others, and these include team assignments and essays that deal with dissertations. Bucknell specifically has some requirements on essay's like these and sometimes even reading an essay before they have time to review it can help you skip over this one.After you are finished with a Writing assignment, the syllabus will indicate whether or not it is to be graded. If you want to save yourself from any punishments, you should check to see what level the task will be graded on.For class assignments, Writing works better with papers, essays, and examinations, but if you need to use writing for team assignments, the Writing assignment will most likely be graded on an essay or short report. However, if you are assigned a dissertation defense, you will be assigned an examination.The Writing Essay and Test are what you will need to write for one of these classes if you want to get and in that class. Be sure to follow the rules, do not make a fool of yourself, and make sure to always write original content for every paper.
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