Friday, March 1, 2019
Ralph’s Leadership: Lord of the Flies Essay
Through expose the discussion, Ralph stands for democracy, well have to have hands up the likes of at school In William Goldings novel, Lord of the Flies Ralph though not the stronger soulfulness, demonstrates a interrupt intellectual of people than seaman which gives him get around leadership qualities. Ralph displays these useful human qualities as a leader by working towards the bet b orderent of the sons society. He knows the boys need stability and pitch if they atomic number 18 to survive on the island. He creates influences and a simple form of disposal to achieve this crop. diddlysquat does not treat the boys with dignity as Ralph does. Ralph understands that the boys, particularly Piggy, have to be given respect and must be toughened as equals. This muddles Ralph a better leader as he is subject to ac fellowship that he was not superior to any of the opposite boys. Ralphs wisdom and ability to witness to the future also make him a superior leader. Ralph ha s the sand to intimidate his focus on getting arrive at the island. He insists on keeping the fire burning as a distress signal. Ralphs leadership provides peace and say to the island while jackstoness leadership makes chaos.Ralph as the leader on the island shows much initiative. He takes a great deal of control and is usually the first to meter up in a situation to benefit the safety of foreveryone on the island. You hunters You can laugh But I tell you smoke is more than important than the pig, however often you kill one. Do all of you await? He spread his arms wide and turned to the alone triangle. Weve got to make smoke up there or die. This quote displays how Ralph is attempting to maintain order and civilized behavior. By being the first to tell them what to do and by showing initiative and by setting goals for the boys to draw, he prepargons practical plans that volition dish up the boys get rescued. He is rendering to tell them what do to help save them so th ey will not die. Ralph also shows an immense come in of initiative when most of the other boys are concerned with playing, having fun, and avoiding work. Ralph decides to build huts as a method of survival. For this reason, Ralphs authority and power over the other boys are secure at the start of the novel. This expresses how Ralph has this idea, and stuck with it for the safety of him, and the others on the island. under(a) jackstoness rule, the boys become uncivilized savages. They have no discipline. Ralph, however, keeps the boys under order through the meetings which he holds. At these meetings a sense of order is instilled because the boys have to wait until they hold the conch to speak. When Ralph says, Ill give the conch to the next person to speak. He can hold it when hes speaking. (Golding 36) he enforces his fictitious character of leader by making rules and gives the boys the stability of an authority figure, mainly himself. By doing this he wins the boys respect and confidence in his leadership abilities. Ralph uses his authority to try to improve the boys society. By building shelters he demonstrates his knowledge of the boys needs. When he says to Jack, They conference and scream. The littluns. Even some of the others. (Golding 56) he is referring to why the boys need shelters. They are afraid. Ralph understands that by building the shelters, the boys will feel more secure. This illustrates his superior knowledge of people, which makes him a better leader than Jack. Jack fails to realize the boys need security, stability and order in their society.Ralphs treatment of the boys also demonstrates his knowledge of human nature. bit Jack considers the boys subscript to himself, Ralph treats the boys as equals. Ralphs superior leadership qualities are reflected in his constant defence of Piggy. Piggy is the weakest of the group and is therefore inured unfairly much of the time. When Jack hits Piggy and breaks his glasses, Ralph calls it A dirty trick. (Golding 78) This shows Jacks disregard for other humans while at the equivalent time demonstrates Ralphs compassion and ability to empathize with others thus illustrating his understanding of people.Ralphs government is a form of democracy which gives each boy equal rights and an ability to express themselves. Jack treats the boys, especially Piggy, as inferiors. When Jack gets meat from hunting, he gives everyone some except for Piggy. When Piggy asks for some, Jack says, You didnt hunt. (Golding 80) Ralph and many of the littluns did not hunt, yet only this treatment is directed at Piggy. Jacks contempt for Piggy shows his inability to understand people, as a right leader would take care of all of his followers. Ralph possesses this knowledge and is therefore a better leader because of it.Ralphs common sense and ability to recognize what is best for the group as a whole further demonstrates his superior leadership skills. His main focus throughout the book is getting res cued and he puts much emphasis on this. He instructs the boys to make a fire and to keep it burning as a distress signal. When the boys do not share his enthusiasm for getting rescued, he becomes exasperated. The fire is the most important thing on the island. How can we ever be rescued except by luck, if we dont keep the fire going? (Golding 88) Ralphs determination to get rescued is not for purely selfish reasons, but rather, it is in the best interest of the group.When the boys total Jacks tribe Jack only satisfies their short term wants and needs, such as the desire for meat. A good leader however, should look to the future and plan accordingly such as Ralph does. Although these choices may not always be popular, the better leader will carry out long term plans. When Piggy says Which is better to be a have of painted niggers like you are, or to be sensible like Ralph is? (Golding 199) he demonstrates how the boys by not following Ralph, have been lead astray by Jack. Ralphs main priority, which is getting turned the island, is a wiser choice than for the boys to follow Jack. Unfortunately, the boys take the easier choice, which is to hunt and play games rather than keep the fire burning. Had they listened to the better leader, the novel may not have ended as tragically.Ralphs clear understanding of people and their needs make him a out-of-the-way(prenominal) superior leader when compared with Jack. Ralphs understanding of the boys need for stability and order through government and rules prompts him to improve the society in which they are living. Jacks society was barbaric and savage and met none of these needs. Jack treats the boys as slaves and inferiors. Ralphs patience and caring with the boys shows his ability to take charge and rule in an effective, yet democratic fashion. Ralphs priority to get off the island demonstrates his wisdom and ability to make decisions. Although a good leader may not be as charismatic as a vile one, it is important to choose the leader which will meet the needs of the people. The popularity of an inferior leader soon disappears, yet the wisdom and guidance of a good leader will always remain.
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