Friday, May 31, 2019
Female Genital Mutilation in Islam Essay -- Argumentative Persuasive T
Female Genital Mutilation in Islam Female circumcision is a practice not uncommon in Muslim society. Although this practice does not only occur inside Muslim society, this paper will focus on the practices that do occur within Islamic society. The Islamic countries with the most prevalence in practicing this form of genital mutilation are Sudan (98%), Somalia (98%), and Egypt (75%) (El Saadawi 34). Other Islamic countries that practice this are Indonesia, Malaysia, Pakistan, and India, which practice this under the name of hadith circumcision. Sunnah refers to the Muslim religion, although it is not clearly defined within the religion. There are three major types of female circumcision that are commonly practiced within Islamic society. These types are sunnah clitoridectomy or excision infibulation or pharaonic circumcision. Sunnah is performed according to the tradition of Mohammed. Religious circles who favor this method of circumcision normally do not give details as to what the act actually entails. Some circles say that is the complete removal of the clitoris and labia minora, whereas others tend to say that it is secure the cutting of the kernel-shaped external skin above the genitals (Falk). A cliteridectomy consists of ablation of the clitoris as well as the labia minora. Infibulation involves complete removal of the clitoris, labia minora, and part of the labia majora. thus the two sides of the vulva are sewn together with silk, thorns, or slivers of wood in order to close the vulva, except for a passage of urine and menstrual full point (Falk). Even with minimal excisions, this experience undoubtedly traumatizes the female. To some extent all excisions involve some degree of irreparable loss. A... ...Facts. In Global Problems On-line. 4 paragraphs. unattached HTTP Brownlee, Shannon, and Jennifer Seter. In the Name of Ritual. U.S. News and World Report 7 Feb 1994 56-58. C loudsley, Anne. Women of Omdurman. London Ethnographica, 1983. 105-125. El Saadawi, Nawal. The Hidden Face of Eve, Women in the Arab World. tr. & ed. Sherif Hetata. London Zed Press, 1980. 30-44. Falk, Geoffrey. 11 direful 1995. Circumcision Information and Resource Pages On-line. Available halt.culture.Internet.Netscape.html Gaudio, Attilio, and Renee Pelletier. Femmes. Paris Donoel/Gonthier Press, 1980. 52-54. Mire, Soraya. A Wrongful Rite. Essnece June 1994 42. Sanderson, Lilisan P. Against Mutilation of Women. London Ithaca Press, 1981. 25.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
U.K. Economy Essay -- Economics Fiscal Policy Essays
U.K. EconomyThe UK government currently has four main macro scotch aims that itis pursuing. These aims are those of low unemployment, low inflation,and high and stable scotch growth as well as a favourable balance ofpayments current account position. This essay allow concentrate on thegovernments success in the first three of its aims listed above andhow these macroeconomic aims can or have been achieved using fiscaland monetary policy. Fiscal policy is utilize to affect aggregate demandby altering taxation and government spending monetary policy alsoaffects aggregate demand by the treatment of interest rates and thesupply of money.Economic growth is the prime measurement of a countrys prudence as itreflects improvements in standards of living. It is defined as anincrease in the returnive potential of the preservation and is usuallymeasured in terms of rate of change of real gross domestic product(gross domestic product), which is the value of output produced within an economy over 12months. It must be remembered that for each social class, the percentage changein gross domestic product is shown therefore both positive figure will represent a growthin the annual GDP level. The swift growth the UK experienced from 1982 to1988. This growth in GDP decreased from the 5.2% level experienced in1988 to 2.2% in 1989 and fell to its lowest in 1991 at 1.4%. This isdue to the recession that hit the UK during this period. After thenegative year of growth in 1991, the UK economy began its recoveryfrom the recession and consequently there was a healthy growth in GDPfrom 1992, which lasted up until 2001. In 2000 the GDP growth figurestood at 3%, this is mainly due to the increase in consumer spendingand capital investment that occurred during this year. The mostsatisfying aspect of this economic growth is the fact that at the timeit coincided with the achievement of the governments secondmacroeconomic aim of low. Last year however the economy grew by just1.7%, which is the lowest for a decade. This low rate of UK economicgrowth coincided with the position of the manufacturing sector, whichin 2002 was in a deep recession and is to the manufacturing industryto shoot the breeze for a further interest rate cut, to help push the value of thepound down, so that UK manufacturing export demand can increase.Inflation is the general a... ...enting the economy from entering a recession. Nevertheless thisis where we can see the difficulties in making these policies due totrade offs that occur, as a rate cut in scheme should lead to the rateof inflation to rise even further however this is a risk worth takingto end the current manufacturing recession as well as strengthenconsumption even further. Revising an expansionary fiscal policy(fall in taxation, increase in government spending) would also beadvisable. This will further boost aggregate demand and as supplyside economists may argue, shift aggregate supply to the righteffecting gr owth (a rise) unemployment (a fall), inflation (a fall), and then these goals to be met. It must be remembered that both policieshave time lags connected with them, in particular fiscal policy, forwhich they are greater. A decision to change an instrument musttherefore be consistent, as it may not always have the desired effectinstantly. Sloman.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
The Dual Nature of Man in Young Goodman Brown Essay -- Young Goodman B
The Dual Nature of Man in Young Goodman BrownIn Young Goodman Brown, Hawthorne tells the story of one mans loss of corporate trust in the human race. As Goodman Brown travels into the woods one night, he is sees the innermost secrets and desires of the people he once placed upon a pedestal. He sees that homo are evil by nature, and this causes him to lose faith in his fellow man. By viewing the story as an allegory, the journey into the woods is associated with the Puritan plan of justification. The Puritans viewed justification, or the means by which one receives the salvation of Christ, as a psychological journey into the hell (or evil) of the self (Soler). Goodman Brown fails to complete his process of individuality because he cannot come to terms with the dual Apollonian and Dionysian nature of his being.The Puritans believed that to be justified, one must let go of his worldly dependence and strive to active a life free of sin (Soler), making the story an allegory in i ts treatment of the nature and consequences of the Puritan belief in the total offense of man (Waggoner 250). This would have had an impact on the development of the psyche, as the ego struggled to repress certain instincts that the superego deemed as sinful based on Puritanical beliefs.To agnize the effects that Puritanism has on the psyche, one must also realize that Puritanism depraved the human spirit of both Dionysian and Apollonian instincts. Even though it favored Apollonian in the sense that it supported a distancing from the world, it does not support the development of the individual, which is associated with Apollo. Puritan Society frowned upon expressing ones individuality (that is why, besides the obvious dishonor, wea... ... The Continuum Publishing Company, stark naked York, 1995.Soler, Angie. The Journey Into the Puritan Heart Nathaniel Hawthornes Young Goodman Brown Dr. Jim Wohlpart. American Literature and Analysis Web Site. Florida Gulf Coast University . 1998.Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Young Goodman Brown and other Short Stories. Appelbaum, Stanley, ed. Dover Thrift Edition. General Publishing Company, Canada. 1992.Martin, Terence. Nathaniel Hawthorne. Revised Edition. Twaynes United States Authors Series. G.K. Hall & Company. Massachusetts. 1983.Foster, Jr., John Burt. Heirs to Dionysus A Nietzschean Current in Literary Modernism. Princeton University Press. revolutionary Jersey. 1981.Male, Roy R. Hawthornes Tragic Vision. University of Texas Press. Austin. 1957.Waggoner, Hyatt H. Hawthorne A Critical Study. Harvard University Press. Massachusetts. 1955.
Essay --
Isabel bowman Her Quest For Freedom And Downfall The Portrait of a Lady is the most stunning achievement of Henry Jamess premature period--in the 1860s and 70s when he was transforming himself from a talented young American into a resident of Europe, a citizen of the world, and one of the greatest novelists of modern times. Quest of freedom The Portrait of a Lady is a story about protagonist Isabel Archer, a penniless orphan. Many rich suitors come to her with a proposal of marriage but she declines, as she wanted to make an art of her life that is to follow her dreams, as she was a spirited and intelligent young woman. She was strong minded and stubbornly independent with an intensely sensual nature and a powerful desire to explore and engage with the world on her own and larns marriage as a prison that would curtail her ability to experience her life. Isabel unexpectedly inherits a flock, freeing her particularly from the need to marry. Now she could do whatever she wanted. She wanted to confidently pursue her dream and didnt want anyone hold her back. Her cool independence is not a very feminine ideal, she seems to show no need but to fly. During her childhood she spends her time construe romantic philosophy, cultivating an idealistic view of the world of art, philosophy and learning, that of Europe but couldnt have a practical taste of things. So when she inherits a fortune whole world spreads out in front of her giving her the opportunity to fulfil her dreams and to make an art of her life. She wanted to enjoy and break free. Now she could see and feel things in real terms. She didnt want to get married and put an end to her freedom. She was a proud woman and was not shy to conduct what she felt. When someone asks her ... that she has not been educated. None of her friends or relatives contributes to her education. Her father had assumed that the free, unfettered life with no real guidance was sufficient. Her Aunt thought that a go throug h to Gardencourt, to Paris to purchase clothes, and to Florence was sufficient. Ralph thought that providing Isabel with a fortune would be sufficient. They were all wrong. An education requires other more important components. An education requires others who care for and contribute to ones development. Isabel Archer did not have any of these others. It was no wonder that her education misfired. References Arnold Kettle, Henry James The Portrait of a Lady, in The Portrait of a Lady, ed. Robert D. Bamberg (New York W.W. Norton), 679. http// http//
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Cholesterol Essay examples -- essays research papers
Cholesterol is a soft, fat-like, waxy substance found in the bloodstream and in all your bodys cells. Its normal to have cholesterin. Its an important dismantle of a healthy body be caseful its used for producing cell membranes and some hormones, and serves other filmed bodily functions. But too luxuriously a level of cholesterin in the blood is a major put on the line for coronary punk disease, which leads to heart round down. Its also a risk factor for stroke. Hypercholesterolemia is the term for high levels of blood cholesterol. You get cholesterol in two ways. Your body makes some of it, and the rest comes from cholesterol in animal products that you eat, such as meats, poultry, fish, eggs, butter, cheese and all in all milk. Food from plants like fruits, vegetables and cereals doesnt have cholesterol. Some foods that dont contain animal products may contain trans-fats, which cause your body to make more cholesterol. Foods with saturated fats also cause the body to mak e more cholesterol.Cholesterol and other fats cant dissolve in the blood. They have to be transported to and from the cells by special carriers called lipoproteins. There are two kinds that you need to know about. Low-density lipoprotein, or LDL, is known as the "bad" cholesterol. Too much LDL cholesterol can clog your arteries, increasing your risk of heart feeler and stroke. High-density lipoprotein, or HDL, is known as the "good" cholesterol. Your body makes HDL cholesterol for your protection. It carries cholesterol away from your arteries. Studies suggest that high levels of HDL cholesterol squinch your risk of heart attack. Whats the Difference Between LDL and HDL Cholesterol?Why LDL cholesterol is considered "bad"?When too much LDL cholesterol circulates in the blood, it can slowly build up in the inner walls of the arteries that feed the heart and brain. Together with other substances it can form plaque, a thick, aphonic dep osit that can clog those arteries. This condition is known as atherosclerosis. If a clot forms and blocks a narrowed artery, it can cause a heart attack or stroke. The levels of HDL cholesterol and LDL cholesterol in the blood are measured to evaluate the risk of having a heart attack. LDL cholesterol of less than 100 mg/dL is the optimal level. Less than 130 mg/dL is near optimal for most lot. A high LDL... ...ce the risk of coronary heart disease as people whose cholesterol level is below 200 mg/dL. Half of all Americans age 20 and former(a) have cholesterol levels that are too high (200 mg/dL or higher). The good news is you can make many lifestyle changes to raze your cholesterol and reduce your risk of heart disease and stroke. To reduce cholesterol in your blood, eat foods low in saturated fat and cholesterol, lose encumbrance if you need to and exercise for a total of at least 30 minutes on most or all days of the week. Some people may also need to take medicine, because changing their diet isnt enough. If youve been prescribed medication or advised to make lifestyle changes to help manage your cholesterol, cautiously follow your doctors recommendations.Learn the facts about cholesterol have regular screenings and, if you need to lower your cholesterol level, work with your healthcare professionals to set up a plan. drop your risk of heart attack take responsibility for managing your cholesterol levels. By lowering your blood cholesterol level, youll cut your risk for heart disease, heart attack and strokeUnderstandingAndControllingCholesterolBy Shelton Davis
Cholesterol Essay examples -- essays research papers
Cholesterol is a soft, fat-like, waxy substance found in the bloodstream and in all your forms cells. Its normal to have cholesterin. Its an important part of a healthy body because its used for producing cell membranes and some hormones, and serves other needed bodily functions. tho too high a level of cholesterin in the blood is a major risk for coronary heart disease, which leads to heart attack. Its also a risk factor for stroke. Hyper cholesterolemia is the term for high levels of blood cholesterol. You get cholesterol in two ways. Your body makes some of it, and the rest comes from cholesterol in animal products that you eat, such as meats, poultry, fish, eggs, butter, cheese and whole milk. Food from plants like fruits, vegetables and cereals doesnt have cholesterol. Some foods that dont contain animal products may contain trans-fats, which cause your body to make more cholesterol. Foods with saturated fats also cause the body to make more cholesterol.Cholesterol and othe r fats cant dissolve in the blood. They have to be transported to and from the cells by special carriers called lipoproteins. There are two kinds that you need to know about. Low-density lipoprotein, or LDL, is known as the "bad" cholesterol. Too much LDL cholesterol can clog your arteries, increasing your risk of heart attack and stroke. High-density lipoprotein, or HDL, is known as the "good" cholesterol. Your body makes HDL cholesterol for your protection. It carries cholesterol outside from your arteries. Studies suggest that high levels of HDL cholesterol reduce your risk of heart attack. Whats the Difference Between LDL and HDL Cholesterol?Why LDL cholesterol is considered "bad"?When too much LDL cholesterol circulates in the blood, it can s wretchedly build up in the inner walls of the arteries that feed the heart and brain. unitedly with other substances it can form plaque, a thick, hard deposit that can clog those arteries. T his condition is known as atherosclerosis. If a clot forms and blocks a change artery, it can cause a heart attack or stroke. The levels of HDL cholesterol and LDL cholesterol in the blood are measured to appraise the risk of having a heart attack. LDL cholesterol of less than 100 mg/dL is the optimal level. Less than 130 mg/dL is coterminous optimal for close people. A high LDL... ...ce the risk of coronary heart disease as people whose cholesterol level is below 200 mg/dL. Half of all Americans age 20 and older have cholesterol levels that are too high (200 mg/dL or higher). The good countersign is you can make many lifestyle changes to lower your cholesterol and reduce your risk of heart disease and stroke. To reduce cholesterol in your blood, eat foods low in saturated fat and cholesterol, lose weight if you need to and exercise for a total of at least 30 minutes on most or all days of the week. Some people may also need to take medicine, because changing their diet isnt e nough. If youve been prescribed medication or sure to make lifestyle changes to help manage your cholesterol, carefully follow your doctors recommendations.Learn the facts about cholesterol have regular screenings and, if you need to lower your cholesterol level, take with your healthcare professionals to set up a plan. Reduce your risk of heart attack take responsibility for managing your cholesterol levels. By lowering your blood cholesterol level, youll cut your risk for heart disease, heart attack and strokeUnderstandingAndControllingCholesterolBy Shelton Davis
Monday, May 27, 2019
College Students and Suicide
College Students and Suicide College Students and Suicide By contrast, only 15. 3 percent of Americans overall have had such thoughts, the World Health transcriptions World Mental Health Survey Initiative reported last February. The survey, part of a wider-ranging continuing study on student suicidal behaviors being conducted by David Drum, a professor of education psychology at the University of Texas at Austin, questioned 26,000 undergraduate and graduate students at 70 U. S. institutions.The results raise the startling wind t assume suicidal thoughts could be a common experience on par with substance abuse, depression and eating disorders, Drum verbalise. The survey defined considering suicide as having at least one episode of suicidal thinking at some point. Slightly more than half of students said they fit that category, which is known as suicide ideation. When researchers asked about more serious episodes, 15 percent said they had seriously considered attempting suicide.Mor e than 5 percent of students said they had actually attempted suicide, which is the second-leading take in of death for college students, compared to its ranking of ninth among the U. S. population at large, according to the National Alliance on Mental Health. 2 Relief from emotional or fleshly pain was the top reason students cited for suicidal thinking, followed by problems with romantic relationships. A generalized desire to end their lives was next, followed by problems with school or academics.The study extrapolated that at an average college with 18,000 undergraduate students, 1,080 of them would seriously contemplate taking their lives in any year, numbers that pose troubling issues for college administrators. The survey identified growing levels of distress among college students and change magnitude resources to handle the consequences. They found that half of students who had had suicidal thoughts never sought counseling or treatment. We know only a quarter of suicide p atients are our clients, which core 75 percent of them never come through our doors, said Chris Brownson, director of the Counseling and Mental Health Center at the University of Texas. Drum and other researchers said colleges needed a new model, shifting the emphasis from narrowly focused treatments involving suicidal students and a small number of mental health professionals, to one hat involved the entire campus in addressing student stresses. Suicide is a public and mental issue. The focus on decreasing the numbers needs to be on prevention, building resilience in students and creating supportive communities. In college students, the warning signs of depression which ultimately leads to suicide are, a previous suicide attempt, talking about suicide, and dose or alcohol abuse
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Punishment in Ancient & Medieval India and the World
ASSIGNMENT ON Presence of Illegal East Pakistani Immigrants A Grave flagellum to Indias Internal Security Submitted By Dhanya Babu 32712001 1st Year M. A Criminology INTRODUCTION The black immigrants from Bangladesh who are present in medium-large numbers in India poses a grave threat to Indias internal security. It is found that there are around 10-20 million black East Pakistani migrants in India. unrestrained and unregulated migration flows together with high fertility rates could create an alarming situation. Though attempts have been made in India to prevent illegal migration, they have been relatively weak.The 25-member committee, led by Bharatiya Janata Party leader Sushma Swaraj, took note of reports that counterfeit notes were in large circulation along the India-Bangladesh gross profit and presence of illegal Bangladeshi immigrants in large numbers poses a grave threat to Indias internal security and the government should take it seriously and strictly monitor the ir movement. It took cognisance of reports that illegal Bangladeshi migrants were able to secure ration cards, driving licences, voter identity cards and even PAN cards.Media reports have attributed claims to the intelligence sources that terrorist groups have been recruiting Bangladeshis in India. It has overly been account that certain Bangladeshi insurgent groups were involved in the terrorist incidents in our country. Illegal Bangladeshi Migrants are also threat to language and culture of Assam. ULFA which arose as a protest against Bangladeshis lost credibility only when its leaders took shelter in Bangladesh after the Bhutanese operation against the group in December 2003. Arrest of Bangladeshi national S.M. Alam in January 2008 by Assam Police revealed ISIs plan to turn northeast into a volatile region. The migrants have also spread into other places kindred Dimapur and Kohima. The illegal migrants are not involved into terrorism in a big way, but involved in gun running, fake currency rackets and medicate running etc. Illegal Immigration Why and How? Growing population pressure in Bangladesh work outs as a push factor whereas growing Indian economy, relatively less pressure on land and weak state resistance act as pull factor.Islamic fundamentalist extremist groups are growing in Bangladesh and they are able to expand their activities in West Bengal as well. Some of such organistaions are Jamait-e-Islami-e-Hind, Jamait-Ahle-Hadis, Students Islamic Organization (SIO), Students Islamic Movement of India (SIMI) and Tabligh-e-Jamat. quartet of them are most active. Meetings have taken place between Jamaat-e-Islami and West Bengal based radical Muslim organizations and it is believed that ISI is behind them. There has been a growth of unauthorized, illegal madrassas all over West Bengal particularly along the Bangladesh brim.They are also using Kolkota and Agartala as bases being close to the border and people from both sides tell the same languag e. There are also groups which are directly involved in subversive activities such as HUJI. Siliguri town acts as gateway to Guwahati, Gangtok and Kishengunj and also shares the border with Bangladesh, Bhutan and Nepal. Important highways, railways tracks, vital installations such as the airfields of Bagdogra and Hashimara and oil pipelines are located here. Increase in Muslim population in Siliguri and adjoining areas has crowing at an astonishing 150% in the past seven years.There are villages in and around Siliguri which have curious population mix and often act as heaven for ISI operatives. The villages have some 2,000 Pashto and Baloch settlers from Afghanistan along with 6,000 Iraninas. The increased activity of the ISI has endangered the security of the Siliguri corridor. ISI attempted sabotage in 1999 following a bomb blast at New Jalpaiguri Station. Steps Taken To prevent the illegal immigration, the Union Home Ministry has taken various measures like construction of borde r fencing, flood lighting and roads to enable more effective patrolling etc.Assignment of border guarding duties on the Indo-Bangladesh border to a single force, Border Security Force, augmentation of its strength through and through additional battalions, reduction of gaps between border outposts, and provision of modern surveillance and other equipment and gadgetry to BSF are some other steps. The Home Ministry has also been issuing instructions to state governments and Union Territories from time to time to take sustained action to detect foreign nationals, including Bangladeshi nationals, staying illegally in the country.As many as 32 Foreign Tribunals under the provisions of the Foreigners (Tribunals) Order, 1964, have also been constituted in Assam for detention of illegal migrants and foreigners. The issue of illegal migrants from Bangladesh also figured prominently in the recent talks between the heads of Border Security Force and Bangladesh Rifles in Delhi. Steps Ought to be Taken The following are some steps which brook be taken to put an end to the illegal immigration in the country from Bangaldesh. Diplomatic Effort India has to need diplomatic effort to get Bangladesh to aid as illegal migration cannot be solved in an effective manner unless sending country cooperates. Sharing of digital database of its citizens will make it easier. * Financial Incentives India should recollect of offering illegal migrants financial incentives in the form of liberal trade regime, an infusion of aid and investment. * Coercive Diplomacy- The action of security forces should clearly convey to the illegal migrants that they would face greater danger if they try to cross the border. Better Border Management- Fencing, construction of border roads and proper management of border will make a difference * Use better Indo-Bangladesh relations- Both the countries have better relations and both side should demarcate remaining 6. 5 km of the border and the areas in adver se possession should be negotiated and form well defined border * Unique Identification Number (UID) scheme Compilation of data is liable(predicate) to reduce the comfort level of fresh illegal migrants. Bar from Voting rights- Bangladeshi who are already in could be allowed to work but should not be allowed to vote and this will diminish their ability to influence government decisions by being a political force. CONCLUSION The illegal Bangladeshi migration was not the core focus of the government but it has been forced to take a close look at the problem as the terror incidents grew in loudness and frequency. India must go for better border management and effective record keeping of its nationals so that outsiders are easily identified and discouraged from infiltrating.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Margaret Atwood- Moral Disorder
In the course of the many interrelated short stories written in virtuous Disorder we tend to find out many thing about the main characters. In some ways the reader develops a sort of cardinal on one relationship with each character, and learns more and more about them in each story. Specific in ally, one of the main characters who tends to stand out in the storyline as a person with a sort of mysterious personality is Tig. Tigs mysterious personality is brought to life mainly in the story Monopoly. When we first percolate Tig in the beginning of monopoly, he and Nell just purchased an old farm augury where they pattern on living.As time progresses throughout the storyline, we learn about Tigs children and how they plan on visiting the new farm house. With this point it brings up thoughts about Tigs old marriage to Oona. We now find out that the reason why Tig and Oona disjoint was not because of Oona, but the two of them as a hole. It gives insite to their failed marriage with the fact that OOna would give her total lifes attention at her writing, and leave Tig to top maintenance of the children and the house completely alone.Even though to the public eye Tig and Oonas relationship could only be described as perfect, it is provable that mystifying down being married to Oona was bringing him down. They were often seen unitedly in magazines and in photos smiling as if they had not a care in the world, but according to Tig this was the furthest thing from the truth. The two of them together tried to show the sense of love and stability to the public that they both yearned for. They often appeared in magazines cooking and laughing together, but once the cameras stopped rolling things turned thorn how they usually where.Oona would be off arduous to finish her book, and Tig would be left with taking care of the children and the household chores all while working at a radio station. As time progressed by and by the divorce Tig and Nell decided to rent an old farm house. We now find out about another mysterious part of Tigs life, his kids. Once Tig and Nell travel into their farm house, Tigs children came to visit every weekend. So, every weekend Nell would have to pack up all her belongings and leave their house before Tigs children arrived.Tig tried very hard in order to make his children know that the reason why he and their mother divorced was not because of Nell, and that he and Oona unchanging were on speaking terms. This shed insight into Tig role as a father. Even though Tig usually doesnt like to speak about his ultimo marriage with Oona, he makes sure that his children are not affected by the divorce. Every weekend that they would visit, he would try and create a fun harming environment at the farm house in order for his children to be happy. Before this we never saw Tig as much of a family man.Instances such as Tigs children visiting shed light on a new personality that we never knew about Tig. After Tigs children l eave, and Nell returns home things start to go back to normal. Nell and Tig seem to be extremely happy living together, which serves as a complete opposite to his relationship with Oona. Nell speaks about the Sunday nights they spend together once Tigs children leave, and the time they spend trying to get up the big hill in front of the property during the winter months. Although the some of the things they did together were simple, it was obvious that it meant something to Nell.Tig and Oona would sit together during the ride home in silence most of the time, but the silence they shared definitely meant something. During these times it became clear that the reason that Nell and Tig were together was because of Oona. Shortly after Oona finished her book, she and Tig invited Nell over for a dinner party at her house. The dinner party turned out a success, and Nell ended up staying later than all the other guests to play a game of monopoly with Tigs children. The night was full of laug hs and the conversation at the dinner table seemed as if it were to never end.Nell later saw that that dinner party was not a typical dinner party, but more of an interview session that would later wide up with her being in a relationship with Tig. After awhile life for Nell and Tig started to grow into a sort of routine were Nell would stay at the farm house during the week, then suddenly disappear and hide all traces of her existence. But one weekend this was all about to change. Tigs mysterious personality came into play once again when he told Nell that he wanted her to stay at the farm house the upcoming weekend when his children came to visit.This came as a complete shock to Nell because she never evaluate Tig to bring the situation up with her because he was always so quiet and to himself about the situation. Nevertheless Nell at first was extremely against this idea thinking that she would be crossing the line. But Tig assured her that it would be best for the children to see her in her natural environment and her home. Tig covertly spoke to his children and to Oona about the situation and they all agreed that it would be a good idea for Nell to stay a weekend with the children when they came to visit.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Organizations and Behaviour Essay
Requirement 11.1Compare and contrast different government activityal complex body parts and culture (P1.1) 1.2 Explain how the relationship between an organisations structure and culture can jounce on the performance of the business (P1.2). 1.3 Discuss the factors which influence individual behaviour at work (P1.3)Requirement 22.1Compare the effectuality of different leadership styles in different organisations (P2.1). 2.2Explain how organisational theory underpins the practice of management (P2.2) 2.3Evaluate the different approaches to management used by different organisations (P2.3)Requirement 33.1Discuss the impact that different leadership styles may have on motivation in organisations in periods of change (P3.1) 3.2Compare the application of different motivational theories within the workplace (P3.2)3.3Evaluate the utility program of a motivation theory for managers (P3.3)Requirement 44.1Explain the nature of groups and group behaviour within organisations (P4.1) 4.2Discus s factors that may promote or inhibit the development of effectual teamwork in organisations (P4.2). 4.3Evaluate the impact of technology on team functioning within a given organisation (P4.3) Evaluate the factors that promote the development of effective teamwork of Zara and win a valid and rational conclusion. (D1) Assume you are the Human Resource Manager of any business, how would you take the responsibility for managing and organising activities of your business in the context of the organisation behaviour? (D2)Points will be awarded to those who demonstrate convergent/lateral/creative thinking to give answer. (D3)
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Background Checks: Give People a Second Chance
On every application for employment, thither is always a section that asks about whether or not a person has ever had an felony charges against them, and to explain what they were if so. Despite the fact that employers ar not supposed to discriminate against a candidate based on something like felony charges, on that point is no real way to qualify whether or not such discriminatory practices were exhibited in the candidate selection process. I would think it stands to reason that virtually employers will take one look at that box ticktocked yes and move that application to the no pile.And this is only one question. Nowadays, most professional and incorporate employers will conduct primer checks on job candidates. This can be a problem for a person who has made mistakes in their life precisely has changed their behaviors and is looking for honest employment, and this is why the practice of running full background checks is basically set up to continually punish those who have made mistakes in the past times. According to Privacy Rights Clearinghouse, many negative records ar expunged from employer background checks after 7 years under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA).This includes arrests all over 7 years ago, bend records compiled by law enforcement agencies, and bankruptcies over 10 years old. However, much of this is public record, and though a standard background check might not yield this information, in that respect are plenty of private information brokers on the web that will track it down, and this information is often not verified by the broker (such as charges being dropped against a person who was arrestedthe broker might report only the arrest). As Crane notes in The first principle of Pre-Employment Background Checks Unfortunately, there is a lot of inaccurate information out there.Just like the mistakes that may pop up on your credit report, bad information can turn up in the course of a background check. And this wrong informati on can cost you a job. Not only is there a stunning lack of privacy in this age of electronics, there is also no guarantee that the information being reported is accurate, which causes immediate problems for the single(a) applying for the job. Also, despite the fact that, for example, arrests made over 7 years ago are not supposed to be reported in a background check, there is nothing stopping the employer from asking, Have you ever been arrested?, a question which acts as a double-edged sword for someone who had been arrested several years before. In the cases of individuals who might have something in their past that theyre not proud of, information that can cost them their fair opportunity for employment is readily for sale to potential employers, even if it the FCRA specifically rules against it. Because of these Internet-based information brokers, there is no guarantee that information that shouldnt be reported isnt still getting into the transfer of the employer, and this is information that creates an inherent bias against the candidate in the employers mind.Information about long-ago prior arrests, fiscal irresponsibility in the form of previous bankruptcies, and criminal records which are not part of the public domain are easily acquired in a background check, and potential employers use this information as a major strike against the candidate. There is plenty of other information that is legitimately acquired in the course of a background check that can be destructive to the perceived character of the person applying for the job.Information such as driving records, credit reports, interviews with neighbors and former employers, medical records, court records, and drug test records (just to name a few) are all standard-practice as part of an employer background check. Checking the box that authorizes an employer to conduct a background check opens a door into a persons past in ways they might not have initially take aimed and affecting their cha nces at employment in ways they might not even conceive.It is graspable that in the wake of 9/11 and as a result of a recent surge in lawsuits due to negligent hiring practices (in which an employee caused harm to others), employers are practicing greater caution in their hiring practices. But by going as full-throttle as they are with the extensive amount of information being made operable to them, they are essentially weeding out candidates who are talented, qualified, and educated but who have a spot on their records which leads to automatic disqualification of consideration by potential employers.People deserve to have a second chance in life, especially when they have taken all of the steps necessary to better themselves. It is grossly unjust that a prior arrest or criminal charge, especially one that isnt even supposed to be part of a standard background check, would comply a person for the rest of their working lives, making it impossible for them to work in a professional field (especially when the rules as set by the FCRA are moot in cases involving government positions or positions that pay $75,000 per year or more).Lets say a person, Joe Doe, has an old petty larceny charge, which many states consider a misdemeanor, but then loses a potential job offer because of it. The system is set up to continually punish those who have made mistakes in their past. In the above example of the felony charge check box (and a felony can be as simple as extorting $2,000 or being caught urinating in public), there is no way to avoid checking yes when the proceeding background check will show all of the related information, and act as an automatic disqualification for a persons employment.When background checks are so pervasive and INVASIVE, what other options or opportunities does a person have left? This is why the system call for to be changed, and tighter restrictions need to be placed on what information is made available to the public. No record older than 7 yearscriminal, felony, bankruptcy, or differentlyshould be made available for anyone to see.Only in the cases of serious potential endangerment (such as the higher-level sex offenders) should records older than 7 years be made public other people are being continually punished for old mistakes that they have more than rectified by paying their dues (either with community service, probation, monetary repayment, etc. ). It isnt just that a person shouldnt lose an opportunity due to long-ago mistakes the reality is that employers WILL and DO discriminate based on that.In modulate for people to have the second chance they deserve, the restrictions on background checks and public records need to be tightened, to protect people who are trying to rehabilitate themselves. Otherwise, there is no rehabilitation to be had because the chance is never really given. References Crane, Amy B. The ABCs of Pre-Employment Background Checks. Online. open www. bankrate. com Fair Credit Reporting A ct. Online. Available www. ftc. gov Privacy Rights Clearinghouse. Online. Available www. privacyrights. org
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
John Updike’s A&P Essay
The nineteen fifties marked the era of differences mingled with the parents and their children. Not until the nineteen mid-sixties was there turning maneuver in the nation. The generation gaps are the differences amongst the younger generation and their elders, and mainly amongst children and their parents. Generation gap still occurs today, in thing varying from behavior, to genres of music, and even in usage of language. The new generations try to express themselves as something different from the old, embracing new slang, nerve-racking to form a separation between themselves and the previous generation. In John Updikes A &P, a teenage boy named Sammy works at a local stash away called A&P. Sammy is a young casher, that stands up to his boss and he stands up for three girls who are dressed in dishwashing suits. Sammy lives in a small t accept, where slide fastener really happens.There is a struggle within every(prenominal) teenager. Sammy doesnt like his job at the store or the store itself, and he finds the customers to be like sheep. All this while, the customers had been sho netg up with their carts, you grapple, sheep, seeing a scene, they had all bunched up on Stokesie(Updike 1170). The girls were like a pinball and the store is like the pinball machine, because Sammy could only see the girls heads as they went through the aisles, the whole store was like a pinball machine and I didnt know which tunnel theyd come out of(Updike1169). Lengel is like a kingpin, because he is the manager of the store. Sammys observations on the people in the store build up on his internal conflict. According to Joseph Lostraccos Analyzing Short Stories, Sammy shows an internal conflict between his limitation due to affectionate class and the need to be admire (Lostracco 99). This conflict becomes apparent when Sammy struggles between wanting to stand up for Queenie and her friends and the desire to be liked by others by not saying anything to Lengel.The other groc ery store dwellers were shocked, with Queenie and her friends for walking into the store wearing bathing suits and no shoes. Sammys conflict occurs when his manager Lengel was telling the girls they couldnt wear swimsuits out in public. Lengel found it to be inappropriate for women to be in swimsuits in public places, Lengel tells the girls Girls this isnt the beach (Updike 1169). Updike states Its one thing to have a girl in a bathing suit down on the beach, where what with the glare nobody can look at each other much anyway, and another thing in the peaceful of the A&P.(Updike 1168). According to Lostracco, Sammysconflict becomes an external one between him and the grocery store manger. Sammy feels that if he comes to the girls rescue he will win their favor (Lostracco 99). Sammy feels like he can impress the girls, but the girls left before he quit. There is a conflict for approval in every culture. There were generation gaps going on during the nineteen fifties and nineteen si xties, the young people wanting different things from their parents. But the big turning point in culture was not during the nineteen fifties, but in the nineteen sixties.The Young people wanted to feel free, and be their own people. Queenie wanting to be part of the movement and Sammy is stuck between the two generations. Lengel claims that the girls are embarrassing themselves, where as Sammy states that You didnt have to embarrass them(Updike 1170). Even if society is able to determine its own moral code and culture, it doesnt fulfill everyones needs. According to Lostracco the tone achieved in A&P is based on humor at the write off of growing up. Updike handily illustrates the impulsivity of youth who yearn to be accepted (Lostracco 100). The three girls gets Sammys attention when they walked into the grocery store, wearing only their bathing suits. Sammy describes each of the girls in great detail, but goes in more detail with Queenie whence with her friends. Queenie is the l eader of her group, shes confident. Sammy thinks that Queenie is ideal but not perfect, She has sort of okay hair that the temperateness and salt had bleached done up in a bun(Updike 1168). Sammy likes the girls and he thinks about them a lot- how they interact, and what they wear and goes into great detail of how they look. Sammy describes Lengel is strict, uptight and is youre stereotypical boss.Lengel is a hard worker who is misunderstood and he takes Sammys place when Sammy quits his job. Sammy also sees Lengel as someone who doesnt miss much- sunlight school superintendent. Lengel hides in his office all day. Lengel tries to explain to Sammy when he quits that he is hurting his parents, and that Lengel has known Sammys parents for years, Sammy, you dont want to do this to your mom and Dad(Updike 1171). Sammy realizes that he doesnt want to do this to his parents, but Sammy is his own person. Sammy rebels against the store, because how Lengel treated the three girls. Lengel cr iticizes the girls because they are wearing bathing suits. The bathing suits comprise the girls neglect of the social rules of their small townsfolk. For Sammy the bathing suits symbolize freedom and a getaway from the world that he isstuck in. Coming from two different generations Sammy and Lengel sees the girls wearing the bathing suits from different sides. Lengel criticizing the girls symbolizing Sammy trying to find out who he wants to be. Sammy is a hero, because he stood up not only for Queenie and her friends, but also for something he vista was ok. The nineteen sixties had transformed the nation. The nineteen sixties was the turning point for the United States. According to Rennay Craats people demonstrated for the end of the war and racial variation (Craats 4).The nineteen sixties were full of huge protests, some of which turned violent. People protested racism, the war in Vietnam, and the government. The Civil rights movement had spread across the nation, as legion(p redicate) young Americans protested to get the nations attention about the civil rights. Sammy was stuck between wanting to be his own person and wanting to make his parents happy. According to Lostracco, Sammys anarchy can see as a reaction to the basic morality he faces in his hometown, a very ordinary and uneventful small town (Lostracco 100). Queenie was the leader of the group. Sammy realized how hard life was going to be for him after he quit his job, My stomach kind of fell as I entangle how hard the world was going to be to me hereafter(Updike 1171). Sammy knew that he did what he thought was best for him, even though it might mean people existence upset with him. Today the gaps are getting bigger due to the massive amounts of technology the younger generations use. During the nineteen sixties Americans took part took part in the social revolution.Taking part in peace, and social justice. Women were looking for equality, the younger generation looking to be different. Que enie and her friends wanted to be able to walk into the grocery store in the swimming suits and with no shoes, and having it be a problem. Today it is more acceptable for women to walk into grocery stores with shorts and a swimsuit on then it was in the nineteen sixties. Sammy had a reason to stand up to his boss Lengel and be his own person, because of how Lengel was criticizing the three girls. Generation gaps have been going gone for years. Sammy was trying to find himself, during the story. Sammy stood up for what he thought was right, and helped out the three girls. John Updike uses first person to describe the puzzle of the three girls in the store, and Sammys experience of working there. John Updike shows in A&P just because people believe in something doesnt mean you have to believe in the alike(p) thing.There is a conflict that occurs in not just in teenagers but also the adults every day.Work citedCraats, Rennay. History of 1960s. Weigl Publishers Inc., 2002. http//books hot dog=0v=onepage&q&f=false. November 14, 2012 Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Young Goodman Brown. Fiction 100 an anthology of short fiction. Thirteenth edition. New Jersey,2012. Lostracco, Joseph. Analyzing Short Stories. Seventh edition. Revised printing. 1992.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Etrade Baby Essay
A Talking Infant, Financial Systems, & Golf What do a talking youngster, stock markets, and golf all rush in common? Nothing, right? Wrong. E*Trade a popular public online financial services group uses all leash of these entities to create a mer toilettetile that has had people talking for age. When the mercenary is over, you atomic number 18 left in shock at what you just saw, a muff in a high-chair talking about the stock market. unless will the ads weirdness produce sales of the companys class for years to come as well?Or just make it a highly talked about YouTube video? To the contrary, E*Trade does a professional hire out in conveying its message of simplicity to average Joes who are looking to either become day traders, start a retirement fund, or level banking. E*Trades main audience is not a person with a net worth or five million dollars. E*Trade is looking to lead astray their product to average joe type clients. It can be assumed this because E*Trade uses the financial term 401k in their commercial this is the around popular tax investment form everyone has.The main character of the commercial is The E*Trade Baby, exactly theres a catch, the baby speaks with a mature older mans voice. This adds a sense of weirdness to the commercial right off the bat. One may question the rigor of a company whose commercials star a talking baby, but this is a clever trade approach because if people see a talking baby, or sothing they put one acrosst see every day, they will immediately become engaged in the commercial. E*Trade uses a baby as a symbolization for inexperience, simplicity and an older mans voice for greetledge.E*Trade wants to show the audience that if a baby can you use the program, so can the audience. They also want to show knowledge, that E*Trade is a reliable and trusted company, so they use the voice of an older man to portray legitimacy. E*Trade wants to declare that Yes, this is a legit company and yes, were simple to us e, so a talking baby fits in perfectly to both categories. Just handle the Old Spice commercials talked about in class, the E*Trade Baby ads stick many spinoffs with numerous situations the baby is in. The commercial I am counsel on is set in a golf country club locker direction.The ad starts off with the baby talking to a man named Frank. The baby says Ah, this is weak, man. Franks severe to not pay me my winnings for the skins beat down I just issued him. The baby has now caught the attention of the audience with this source line because people are drawn into the weirdness of a talking baby in the commercial. Now when he starts to talk about finance and what the company actually does, viewers will be already engaged. Not only does the talking baby raise questions that attract us to this ad, but there are many other.For instance, why is a baby playing golf with old man? And why is there a computer in the locker room of a country golf club? All All these questions have no ans wers but it draws us into the commercial and makes us connected to it, hopefully end-to-end the commercial we will find answers to these questions, but in this case we do not. E*Trades goal is to get a lot of publicity and attention with their commercials mend providing us with the smallest amount of information. This is because E*Trade wants people to inquire about the company and have them visit E*Trades website us. etrade. com.Once on the website, people will be impressed by the fancy website that proves it is a legitimate company, and lured into signing up for an account The baby says His (Frank) 401ks tankin. Ya gotta grab the reins man. Get E*Trade, do some analytics, do some research (into the stock market), and take charge so I dont have to subsidize your lack of skills. Theres actually a lot of information about the company and its message all in that teeny-weeny saying. The E*Trade baby uses a clever balance a financial terms and jokes to put the viewer in an informal setting while talking about a big decision a person must make.E*Trade is not an elite company for only the one-percenters to use. E*Trades goal is to get skilled and novice substance abusers with just a little amount of money to open an accountant. Using the term 401k is strategically brilliant because everyone who works for a company most likely has one. E*Trade could have used any tax form number, but chose the most popular one to relate to the most people and with the current economy, its probably on the minds of most people right now. When the baby says, Do some analytics, do some research, and take charge, he is describing the job of the novice investor.The baby is now describing that when use the E*Trade software, you are able to look at analytical charts and graphs, read news articles and research about potential stock purchases and essentially to take charge of your life. E*Trade does not buy and sell stock for you you have to do it yourself. You are in control of the futu re and E*Trade presents the question What are you going to do to prepare yourself for it? Its unmanageable to tell whom is the exact audience E*Trade is trying to promote itself to, but assumptions can be made.Since it is a golf setting in a country club, they are focusing on males anywhere from 20s to 60s (the general range of persons with a 401k). E*Trade did a good job pick a wide range of ages with this advertisement, which is what makes it such a good ad Since the ad is set in a country club locker room, E*Trade is also advertising to a certain class of people I believe well educated men who know a forecast about finance and who play golf. Golf is an expensive sport. I think if you have money to play golf you would be interested and would know the benefits of investing.But are they also advertising to a whole inclusive audience with a cute baby to grab the attentions of mothers and grandmothers? Only the directions and producers know that answer. You can have a good commerc ial, the best commercial ever known to man. But if you dont have the right exposure no one will see it. E*Trade played this commercial before and after Superbowl XLII on February 1, 2009. Back to what was said before on the age of the audience, 20s to 60s. That basically sums up the audience of the Superbowl as well perfect.E*Trade picked the most opportune time to run this commercial and not only reaches its projected audience, but all 90 some odd million people that tune in each year to watch the game, and the commercials. Another part of the commercial that is central to take into consideration is the point of view in which we view the commercial. Since the program E*Trade is used on a computer, the great minds behind this commercial put the camera where a usually webcam should be. This is to exit a visual of where the user of E*Trades product will be using the product.This is brilliant because now we see the baby sitting in a chair in front of the computer using a keyboard and a mouse, in the same spot where we would use the program was well. The E*Trade Baby Commercial is trying to sell to their audience a financial services program available to download on the computer. E*Trade does a good job in getting the attention of its viewer and making a hard subject of finance fun and entertaining. E*Trade describes everything that their companys mission statement says that they are, A financial services ompany that is simple to use. Designed with the user in mind. There is no doubt in my mind that this commercial will go down as a classic and will have people talking about the E*Trade baby for years to come. To respond to the question previously stated in the beginning of this paper. Even though this commercial will be popular for years to come, will the ad produce sales of the companys program for years to come as well? It turns out, no. When a person is looking to invest in money, they normally look for a company that is well-reputable and well-respected.Hu mor is no doubt, un-debatable, a marketing tool to grab the attention of a viewer, but humor in advertising is very hard to pull off because you simply never know what people will laugh out. Some think it funny, others think its not. In order for a commercial to use humor, the company should be trying to sell humor. Clearly E*Trade does not sell humor.. Instead of a talking baby to grab the audiences attention and provide a laugh, E*Trade should create a well-informative commercial that captures the audiences attention and show how one can benefit from using E*Trade.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Comparing and Contrasting Wong’s “Noodles vs. Sesame Seed Buns†with Dash’s “Rice Cultureâ€Â
What did you deplete for dinner? is a nous asked thousands of times every day. Admittedly, people argon facing a difficult problem of choosing what to devour, granted the regeneration of options much(prenominal) as Chinese cuisine, Ameri nookie cuisine, and Japanese cuisine, not to mention many variants at heart separately style. Throughout the years, the aliment industriousness has incorporated tralatitious methods as well as adaptations to a changing society. Fast forage, for example, has grown exponentially everywhere the past half century. By contrast, traditional nutriments such as rice remain a crucial part of provender tillage.Two essays that highlight this contrast ar Seanon Wongs Noodles vs. sesame root understructure and Julie expressive styles rice Culture. Wongs essay illustrates the import of unfluctuating nutrient, whereas cannonball alongs essay discusses traditional provision methods. While both authors talk near nutrient and cultural tr aditions, smash up uses an informal voice to discuss preserving her traditions, whereas Wong uses an academic voice to describe the exploitation of food for thought traditions in Chinese culture. The main topic for both address is food.Wong reports on the flourishing of firm food in Hong Kong, showing how Chinese fast food companies have made inroads into the Hong Kong market. For example, as Wong points out, Hong Kongs fast food industry is dominated by Chinese companies such as Cafe de Coral, Fairwood and Maxim. (123) By contrast, darts Rice Culture clearly narrates her own rice tradition. pip begins by telling us I come from a family of rice eaters (138). App bently, food is the main idea of both Wongs and dissipates passages, and therefore, they use food as a reason to develop their stories.Additionally, both authors discuss food in a manner that acts as a springboard to analyzing foods cross-cultural dimensions. Rice is, admittedly, a basic food in the easterly land. However, Rice Culture tell us how Dash and aunty Gertie cook rice American style. Before cooking, auntie Gertie would wash her rice, really invalidate it in a bowl of pissing until all the water was clear (Dash 140). She also asserts that in the years that followed, the southeast Carolinian African captives played a major role in establishing a powerful rice culture in the antebellum South (139).American and African cultures were blended, Dash argues, through the South Carolinian method of introducing a African s in additionp into the American form of rice cooking. Just as traditional cooking benefitted from cross-cultural pollination, so too did fast food, which, Wong argues, created a mixture of American and Chinese food culture. In Noodles vs. Sesame reservoir stooge, he finds that As American fast food chains have boomed in Hong Kong over the eventually three decades, the demand for fast food American or otherwise has grown level scurrying (123).The cross-cultural issues are ostensibly merged. Moreover, both Wong and Dash illustrate the musical modes in which food spoken language and language are altered cross-culturally. Dashs Rice Culture looks at contradictory legal injury used to describe German foods. She compares German spritzal to elbow macaroni and cheese (138). In this case, spritzal is explained as a mixture of German noodle dish. Similarly, Wong uses irrelevant or non-native vocabularies as a way of introducing Chinese food.His article states In 1996, Daniang Dumplings was merely a community restaurant in Changzhou in Jiangsu province with totally sixer employees selling arguably the most prototypical of northern Chinese food Shuijiao. (126) Shuijiao is a foreign bourne that describes Chinese boiled dumplings. Both Wong and Dash explore the ways in which native foods are influenced by vocabulary and foreign influence, and this is a similarity in comparing the two articles. Although both Dash and Wong centering on food wr iting and the intersections between Western and Eastern cultures, there are pronounced differences in shadiness and voice between the two articles.One huge distinction lies in their respective formality of language. In Dashs Rice Culture, she narrates the story in first person. She says, Today as I stand over a bowl of cold water and rice, scrubbing, I feel aunty Gertie reflection me. (Dash 140) I dominates the article her goal in the passage is not to make larger statements, unless quite to share her personal experience of cooking rice. The first person tone is intimate. By contrast, Wongs tone is formal and quantitative, a technique he employs to establish credibility and grab the readers attention.He relies on facts, evidence, and statistics, in contrast with Dashs much qualitative narration. In Noodles vs. Sesame reservoir Buns, Wong cites statistics such as, over 60 percent of the citys denizens eat at drive restaurants at least once a week, compared to only 41 perc ent and 35 percent in mainland china and the United States respectively (123). For most readers, these numbers help to establish Wongs credibility and are more persuasive as arguments rather than simply stating an opinion.The tone of voice contrast between Wong and Dash can subtly lend credibility to their assertions. By analyzing our two main coetaneous food models young and traditionalSeanon Wong and Julie Dash give us contrasting and complementary ways of looking at food culture. Dash brings up a method of how her aunt cooks rice, Before cooking, Aunt Gertie would wash her rice, really scrub it in a bowl of water until all water was clear, (140) Dash illustrates Sometimes she would change the scrubbing water up to ten times (140) this is an unorthodox and rarely used method, at least in the modern world. Thus, it can be regarded as a traditional way of cooking food, one that served the Aunt Gertie of the world well, but a way that even Dash finds hard to emulate. By contrast, Wong summarizes the fast food industry in Hong Kong. In his article, fast food represents a new, modern model for people who eat outside, or for people whose time constraints dont allow for more traditional ways of cooking. In Noodles vs.Sesame reservoir Buns, Wong says Considering the omnipresence of McDonalds, KFC and Pizza Hut, American fast food has been a revolutionary jam in Chinas everyday culture. Undoubtedly, in Wongs account, this is a kind of cultural invasion, in which he thinks that Western modern fast food has been detrimental to the values and traditions, not to mention health, of Eastern societies. The pervasiveness and assortment of food culture and the importance of cultural distinctions are increasingly obvious in the contemporary world. This awareness is especially important where cultures intersect.In these two essays, both authors come to terms with their own food culture, and manoeuvre cross-cultural issues which are increasingly common. Dash uses a narr ative voice to tell her traditional way of cooking rice, man Wong quantifies the modern fast food trend in Hong Kong. The traditional approach seems to accent quality, while the modern approach (with fast food signifying modern) emphasizes convenience. Most likely, the food industry of tomorrow willing be more mixed, finding a way to integrate quality and offer convenience.When that happens, we will have the opera hat of both worlds Dashs traditional approach melded with Wongs modern sensibilities. Word figure 1260 words Bibliography Dash, Julie. Rice Culture. reverberate on America Essays and Images from Popular Culture. Ed. Joan T. Mims and Elizabeth M. Nollen. 5th ed. Boston, MA Bedford/St. Martins, 2009. 138-41. Print. Wong, Seanon. Noodles vs. Sesame Seed Buns. Mirror on America Essays and Images from Popular Culture. Ed. Joan T. Mims and Elizabeth M. Nollen. 5th ed. Boston, MA Bedford/St. Martins, 2009. 124-27. Print.Comparing and Contrasting Wongs Noodles vs. Sesame S eed Buns with Dashs Rice CultureWhat did you have for dinner? is a question asked thousands of times every day. Admittedly, people are facing a difficult problem of choosing what to eat, given the variety of options such as Chinese cuisine, American cuisine, and Japanese cuisine, not to mention many variants within each style. Throughout the years, the food industry has incorporated traditional methods as well as adaptations to a changing society. Fast food, for example, has grown exponentially over the past half century. By contrast, traditional foods such as rice remain a crucial part of food culture.Two essays that highlight this contrast are Seanon Wongs Noodles vs. Sesame Seed Buns and Julie Dashs Rice Culture. Wongs essay illustrates the significance of fast food, whereas Dashs essay discusses traditional cooking methods. While both authors talk about food and cultural traditions, Dash uses an informal voice to discuss preserving her traditions, whereas Wong uses an academic voice to describe the evolution of food traditions in Chinese culture. The main topic for both articles is food.Wong reports on the flourishing of fast food in Hong Kong, showing how Chinese fast food companies have made inroads into the Hong Kong market. For example, as Wong points out, Hong Kongs fast food industry is dominated by Chinese companies such as Cafe de Coral, Fairwood and Maxim. (123) By contrast, Dashs Rice Culture clearly narrates her own rice tradition. Dash begins by telling us I come from a family of rice eaters (138). Apparently, food is the main idea of both Wongs and Dashs passages, and therefore, they use food as a reason to develop their stories.Additionally, both authors discuss food in a manner that acts as a springboard to analyzing foods cross-cultural dimensions. Rice is, admittedly, a basic food in the Eastern world. However, Rice Culture tell us how Dash and Aunt Gertie cook rice American style. Before cooking, Aunt Gertie would wash her rice, really scrub it in a bowl of water until all the water was clear (Dash 140). She also asserts that in the years that followed, the South Carolinian African captives played a major role in establishing a powerful rice culture in the antebellum South (139).American and African cultures were blended, Dash argues, through the South Carolinian method of introducing a African influence into the American form of rice cooking. Just as traditional cooking benefitted from cross-cultural pollination, so too did fast food, which, Wong argues, created a mixture of American and Chinese food culture. In Noodles vs. Sesame Seed Buns, he finds that As American fast food chains have boomed in Hong Kong over the last three decades, the demand for fast food American or otherwise has grown even faster (123).The cross-cultural issues are ostensibly merged. Moreover, both Wong and Dash illustrate the ways in which food terminology and language are altered cross-culturally. Dashs Rice Culture looks at foreign terms used to describe German foods. She compares German spritzal to elbow macaroni and cheese (138). In this case, spritzal is explained as a kind of German noodle dish. Similarly, Wong uses foreign or non-native vocabularies as a way of introducing Chinese food.His article states In 1996, Daniang Dumplings was merely a community restaurant in Changzhou in Jiangsu province with only six employees selling arguably the most prototypical of northern Chinese food Shuijiao. (126) Shuijiao is a foreign term that describes Chinese boiled dumplings. Both Wong and Dash explore the ways in which native foods are influenced by vocabulary and foreign influence, and this is a similarity in comparing the two articles. Although both Dash and Wong focus on food writing and the intersections between Western and Eastern cultures, there are noticeable differences in tone and voice between the two articles.One huge distinction lies in their respective formality of language. In Dashs Rice Culture, she narrates the story in first person. She says, Today as I stand over a bowl of cold water and rice, scrubbing, I feel Aunt Gertie watching me. (Dash 140) I dominates the article her goal in the passage is not to make larger statements, but rather to share her personal experience of cooking rice. The first person tone is intimate. By contrast, Wongs tone is formal and quantitative, a technique he employs to establish credibility and grab the readers attention.He relies on facts, evidence, and statistics, in contrast with Dashs more qualitative narration. In Noodles vs. Sesame Seed Buns, Wong cites statistics such as, over 60 percent of the citys denizens eat at take-away restaurants at least once a week, compared to only 41 percent and 35 percent in mainland China and the United States respectively (123). For most readers, these numbers help to establish Wongs credibility and are more persuasive as arguments rather than simply stating an opinion.The tone of voice contrast between Wo ng and Dash can subtly lend credibility to their assertions. By analyzing our two main contemporary food modelsmodern and traditionalSeanon Wong and Julie Dash give us contrasting and complementary ways of looking at food culture. Dash brings up a method of how her aunt cooks rice, Before cooking, Aunt Gertie would wash her rice, really scrub it in a bowl of water until all water was clear, (140) Dash illustrates Sometimes she would change the scrubbing water up to ten times (140) this is an unorthodox and rarely used method, at least in the modern world. Thus, it can be regarded as a traditional way of cooking food, one that served the Aunt Gertie of the world well, but a way that even Dash finds hard to emulate. By contrast, Wong summarizes the fast food industry in Hong Kong. In his article, fast food represents a new, modern model for people who eat outside, or for people whose time constraints dont allow for more traditional ways of cooking. In Noodles vs.Sesame Seed Buns, Wong says Considering the omnipresence of McDonalds, KFC and Pizza Hut, American fast food has been a revolutionary force in Chinas everyday culture. Undoubtedly, in Wongs account, this is a kind of cultural invasion, in which he thinks that Western modern fast food has been detrimental to the values and traditions, not to mention health, of Eastern societies. The pervasiveness and variety of food culture and the importance of cultural distinctions are increasingly obvious in the contemporary world. This awareness is especially important where cultures intersect.In these two essays, both authors come to terms with their own food culture, and address cross-cultural issues which are increasingly common. Dash uses a narrative voice to tell her traditional way of cooking rice, while Wong quantifies the modern fast food trend in Hong Kong. The traditional approach seems to emphasize quality, while the modern approach (with fast food signifying modern) emphasizes convenience. Most likely, th e food industry of tomorrow will be more mixed, finding a way to integrate quality and offer convenience.When that happens, we will have the best of both worlds Dashs traditional approach melded with Wongs modern sensibilities. Word Count 1260 words Bibliography Dash, Julie. Rice Culture. Mirror on America Essays and Images from Popular Culture. Ed. Joan T. Mims and Elizabeth M. Nollen. 5th ed. Boston, MA Bedford/St. Martins, 2009. 138-41. Print. Wong, Seanon. Noodles vs. Sesame Seed Buns. Mirror on America Essays and Images from Popular Culture. Ed. Joan T. Mims and Elizabeth M. Nollen. 5th ed. Boston, MA Bedford/St. Martins, 2009. 124-27. Print.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Characters in Hamlet
Guide Your village final exam will be on Thursday of this week. You will take up to study the of Lowing terms, Ideas, and themes. You will be expected to answer multiple selection questions, essay questions, a ND short answer questions. Shakespearian Drama What is the difference amongst a postdatedy, tr get ondy, and history? Define catharsis, hubris, and nemesis. What is the relationship between these speech? What are the characteristics of a tragedy? Define dramatic irony and monologue. Discuss the rascalortance of parley in the bidding. Act IWhat mood, or atmosphere, does Shakespeare establish in jibe 1? Which details hell p create this mood? Analyze crossroadss Interaction with Claudia In dead reckoning 2 and Aphelions interaction with P loons In scene 3- How are these Interactions related and how are they dollars? Act II In the opening scene of Act II how does Polonium want Reynolds to check on Learners need? What does this instruction suggest about Poloniums charac ter. Aphelia tells Polonium what took place when village visited her. Explain why this pass age is an example of dramatic irony.In line 246 of scene 2, village says to Guilelessness, Denmark a prison. Explain that remark in the scene of critical points present situation, considering also the role of Restaurants and Gu Identities. The play discussed by Hamlet and the players tells the story of Papyrus seek reeve GE on Pram. What are the par everyels between this tale and Hamlets own quest for revenge? At the block off of Act II, Hamlet reveals his plan for testing Classiss guilt. Why might SSH Shakespeare acquire chosen to save him use a theatrical performance for this purpose? Act IllAnalyze Hamlet and Aphelions relationship at the end of Act Ill Scene I What conclusions can you draw from their interaction? Analyze the importance of Hamlets soliloquy in Act Ill Scene 1 . What is Hamlet consist erring during this soliloquy? regard the eloquence of his speech, the specific wording that he uses, hi s sufferings during his life, Hamlets mental state, etc. How do the events In this act drive the plot forward? You will need to be able to put the major events of this Act In order. Act IV Hamlet sends two letters announcing his return to England. E to Horopito and iodin to Shakespeare have chosen to have him send the letter to Horopito even though it is not needed to feeler the plot? Hamlet as already confided to his m another(prenominal) at the end of Act Ill that Restaurants and G elderliness have been assigned to lead him into a trap. What does it suggest about his character that he now appears burning to go with him? Claudia describes an elaborate scheme to kill Hamlet. What advantages does this SC hem have for both him and Alerter? Based on what has happened so far in the play, what disadvantage of the scheme? Act VWhy does Hamlet quarrel with Alerter at Aphelions scrape? What does this scrap Clara FYI about his tactilitys? As he is dying, Hamle t urges Horopito to stay alive and tells his story, why is this so imp rotator Hamlet? You will need to be able to put the major events of this Act in order. miscellaneous Theme ( judgment that the author is trying to convey) How are these themes shown in Hamlet? (Themes include revenge, Fate, and The Human Condition) You will need to look at specific quotations that we discussed in class be able to discuss who said the acknowledgment and what the significance of the advert is.Characters in HamletJose Cruz December 12, 2011 My English Research Paper Use everyday quote about treason (brainyquote. com) not from Hamlet. This quote from Shakespeares Hamlet includes two very important words The words Haste and revenge not only deal with life but with many other literary computes as well. In order to take revenge upon someone often instrument to get back at them or to inflict hurt or harm on them for an wound or wrong done to oneself.Such is the case in Hamlet where Betrayal (r evenge) is the biggest and main conflict of the play because, King Hamlet was ruler of Denmark until his brother Claudius, murders him to become King and marry the Queen, Gertrude. That plot right there creates a whole lot of tension between Hamlet and the new King Claudius because Hamlet wishes to retribution his dumbfounds death. on that pointfore, In the play Hamlet, William Shakespeare exemplifies the impact of high treason on family kinetics throught the use of conflict, dialogue, and irony. Shakespeare uses conflict to show how the betrayal affects family dynamics. Now might I do it pat, now he is beseeching And now Ill dot. And so he goes to heaven And so am I revenged. That would be scannd A villain kills my father and for that, I, his sole son, do this same villain sent To heaven (3. 3. 1). One of the main conflicts of the play is that Hamlet feels betrayed on many levels by the King. (better explaination on this quote)King Claudius is the murderer of his father, King Hamlet. What Hamlet is saying in this quote is his father has died and he is asking for him to revenge him, so since a villain, (King Claudius) killed his father.Since he is King Hamlets only son, he feels he must take revenge upon his fathers death and kill King Claudius. No place, indeed, should murder sanctuarize Revenge should have no bounds (4. 7. 13). A quote said by King Claudius Then Laertes and Claudius conspire to murder Hamlet. Laertes and Hamlet both have a father to revenge is this play, Laertes wishes to take revenge upon Hamlet for his father was murdered by King Hamlet during a war. When Claudius later asks Laertes how far he would go to avenge his father, Laertes replies that he would slit Hamlets throat in the church (4. 7. 98).Through out well-nigh of the play, there is a build up of tension between Hamlet, Claudius, and Laertes. There are critics all some the world who put there two sense in about all different books. There are plenty of critics who write abo ut what they think about the play Hamlet, and most of them can have very interesting write ups. Acritic named William Hazlitt and from reading his page, some say they have personally found his work very observing. He is the prince of philosophical speculators and because he cannot have his revenge perfect, according to the most refined idea his wish can form, he declines it altogether (William Hazlitt).Hazlitt says that Hamlet cannot have the revenge he wishes and intends to on the King, so he then scruples to trust the suggestions of the ghost. In the play, it reveals that the ghost is the spirit of King Hamlet and he is reaching out to Hamlet personally to seek revenge for his death and kill Claudius. Summarize how conflict is used as a technique by Shakespeare to demonstrate effects of betrayal on family dynamics. Shakespeare uses dialogue as his secondary to show the impact of betrayal.The term dialogue means to have a intercourse between two or more persons. In the play, Hamle t is approached by the ghost of King Hamlet multiple times, and what the ghost is asking of his is to avenge his death. In the darkness, the ghost speaks to Hamlet, claiming to be his fathers spirit, come to rouse Hamlet to revenge his death, a foul and most unnatural murder (1. 5. 25). The most honey oil conclusion is that the dialogue used to create the impression of a significant time lapse between Hamlets encounter with the ghost and the subsequent action. The interchange of question and answer, as a keister of dialogue, is fundamental to dramatic technique whenever it serves a purpose, becomes dialectic (Levin, 227). The dramatic technique in Hamlet is all based upon the dialogue used in the play. The conversations between all the characters in Hamlet discusses betrayal and family dynamics. For example, when Claudius and Hamlet have a conversation, Hamlet tries to play it cool but inside all this tension is make up at any moment, he could strike on Claudius but he chooses no t to and waits for the vanquish moment.Everyone knows that betrayal is the main conflict of the play Hamlet. So art thou to revenge, when thou shalt hear (1. 5. 7). here(predicate) is when the plot of revenge is established and continues until the end of the play. Shakespeare uses irony as another technique to illustrate how family dynamics ae affected by betrayal. Irony is the expression of ones meaning by using spoken language that normally signifies the opposite, typically for humorous or emphatic effect (Dictionary). After Hamlets counterbalance meeting with the ghost, he decides to put on an antic disposition (1. 5. 172).He pretends to be mad but in truth hes just trying to hide the fact that this behavior is a kind of a shield or protection against Claudius and the others who may try to pry out his secret and foil his revenge. (Rosenblum 731). Hamlet shows irony at this part of the play because he acts and speaks as if hes mad and mad but really hes just trying to keep a low profile. critic Harry Levin says that the interplay between these preoccupations is the source of innumerable ironies, both conscious and unconscious, some of them attached to the heros viewpoint, other detached in a reminiscent overview (231).What Levin is saying is that Hamlet has no plan on what he should do to avenge his fathers death and how and when he should strike Claudius to his death. Claudius begins his speech saying, Tis sweet and commendable in your nature, Hamlet, To give these mourning duties to your father, but that he must know your father lost a father, That father lost, lost his. (1. 2. 87-89) But he insults Hamlet, adding Tis unmanly grief. (1. 2. 94). When Claudius says that it is sweet and commendable to give this duty, hes praising Hamlet for something that will eventually kill him.Shakespeare is often considered on of the worlds sterling(prenominal) playwrights, and has a style to back it up. He writes with poetic diction using eloquent words and phras es. He uses irony to convey the impact of betrayal on family relationships The use of conflict, dialogue, and irony are used end-to-end the play Hamlet enabling Shakespeare to show the impact of revenge. Shakespeare uses conflict as his primary to express his characters reception to betrayal. All throughout the play Shakespeare reates conflict between all the characters whether its between Hamlet and Claudius, or Laertes and Hamlet, etc.By doing so he shows betrayal and its results. As said in the second paragraph, the main conflict of the play is betrayal and this leads to the desire for revenge. Many characters are seeking revenge at someone, but the main character with this feeling is Hamlet, who wishes to avenge his fathers death caused by the new king, King Claudius. All of this conflict in the play is seen into the dialogue of the characters. Shakespeare uses dialogue as another method to show the impact of betrayal.He uses the conversations between those characters with pa yback on their minds to create moods throughout the play. Lastly, Shakespeare uses irony as his third to show the impact of betrayal. Take for example, when Claudius kneels to pray and Hamlet enters, this couldve been Hamlets chance to kill Claudius, but he decides to spare him because then Claudius would not receive the tourturous hereafter Hamlet wishes upon him, instead he would go to heaven. That creates some sort of irony because Hamlet does the opposite of what he really wants to do.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Judaism and Final Project Essay
What religion would you like to divvy up for your final project? Describe the place of worship you leave alone visit. I I plan on studying Judaism for my final project. I might visit a synagogue if I find iodine nearby/ I What do you already know about this topic? * Judaisms sacred documents ar called Haftra Torah. * I know some of their major holidays like Passover and Hanukkah for example, and I also know the significance of the Sabbath or Saturday services. * I know the Ten CommandmentsJudaism religion goes by. * They believe that every individual was created in the image of God. * Judaism is a monotheistic faith meaning they believe in only one god. I What resource will you utilisation to find a place of worship for this religion? I I will use the internet along with a local newspaper. I What are some sources you could use to gain much knowledge about this religion? I Different online sites and library resources. I What type of materials do you evaluate to review for thi s project? I Articles and Interviews. I How will you gain access to the materials you need? IThe internet, the existence library, the temple I visit, and a religious bookstore so I can purchase a copy of Torah. I What difficulties do you anticipate in conducting an interview with someone of this faith? I I dont anticipate any major difficulties coming up but I do recognize the fact that it may be awkward feeling to discuss faith with a person that I dont share the same faith with. I Create a disputation of 10 questions you would like to ask during the interview
Friday, May 17, 2019
Corporate Communication Essay
IntroductionThe brass section which this report allowing be based on is called Mirihi Island Resort. Mirihi Island Resort is a five star resort located in a secluded island in South Ari atoll of Maldives. It consists of 36 dwells from 6 are border villas and the rest 30 are water villas. This resort is under Crown Company (Mohamed, 2014). There are arouse along of 145 staffs mixed from all levels. 60% of the staffs are from Maldives and the rest of the staffs are from India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Nepal, Germany, Switzerland, Netherlands, China, Thailand and etc. Their slogan is Mirihi as unique as you. Like as said in the slogan, Mirihi is a very(prenominal) unique resort. No wearing of shoes or sandals, no motorized water sports, no night animation and no TVs in the room makes their customers feel like organism in Maldives and unique (Mohamed, 2014). plentyMirihis vision is to be al fashions on pinnacle of all the Maldivian resorts in service and old-hat wise to make ch allenging for other hotels. To be most quiet and peaceful resort in the country as well never pushes on sales. Respect all different culture by providing the same levels of services. Staffs will be well trained for an excellence services and try utmost to prod the staffs by whichever possible way (Mohamed, 2014). MissionIn this highly developing tourism industry their contract is to keep the lymph glands satisfaction up to the standard while providing services in a quick and effectual way. Focus on improving service standard by observing difference between the resorts and from guests feedbacks. Maintain the cleanliness of the rooms, increasing the food forest rapidly, continuous updating the training and training for the staffs, flexibility, reservation customer feels special and as well everything is possible attitude will be the best value to arrive at the goals. Never stop trying until achieve the goal (Mohamed, 2014).This report will be evaluating and analyzing the cor porate communicating of Mirihi Island Resort.DiscussionDefinition of corporate conversationCorporate discourse is managing an organizations inbred and outer communications with the purpose of establishing and maintaining favorable reputations with its various audience to the mutual benefits of both and to its improved competitive advantage (Kalahub, 2009), (Richard, 2000). Corporate communication includes advertising, macrocosm relations and selling, merchandiseing communications, but they all function under a extinguishd perspective (Kalahub, 2009).Functions of corporate communicationThere are many functions of corporate communication. Among some of them are discussed below. Media relationsAmong all the functions this may be the function for which corporate communication recognisers are well known. It is because they are in use(p) in the media relation works, where they hire to salve and distribute news releases with responding to media enquiries. Corporate communicatio n manager withstand to oversee all planning for news conferences. Also the manager has to arrange everything needed for the spokesperson to seem on the local television and the radio programs. In addition to that the manager also have to varan all the news broadcasters and other outlets to see what the media is talking slightly the society and have to advise strategies to get over misinformation (Frederick, 2014). Public RelationsUnder public relations fall, building relationships with customers and responding to studies from the public. Here, the corporate communication manager is accountable for providing all the information needed to the general public through newsletters, brochures and other printed materials. He/she also has to manage the companys web office by monitoring the feedbacks given by the public and responding to inaccurate posts or requests for information in army to build a good relationship between the public and the organization (Frederick, 2014). Crisis communicationIf something unexpected happened in a company that will be a threat to public condom or companys reputation. For such a critical event all staff should be well trained and prepared for it as it will help corporate communication to prepare for it in a short period of time. Corporate communicators mainly works with their own staff to develop crisis communication before any disaster strikes but in case of developing crisis message they should work with different of mountain or company, it might be a political officials, attorneys or an emergency response person. thence its the responsibility of corporate communicators to advise senior leaders in a company to manage the crisis (Frederick, 2014). Employee conversesWhen a company needs to deliver a message to orthogonal audience, the corporate communication manager may has to act as employee communications manager. Being that position they have to design printed publications and write emails to announce company news, impo rtant information and training opportunities. Corporate communicator also may have to make out a focus group to learn what issues the front-line employees are mostly facing. Also they give advices to the senior leaders on how to improve relationships with their staffs and gain support for the initiatives. In general, the corporate communicator manages a companys Intranet and internal blogs (Frederick, 2014). Investor RelationsThe main purpose of investor relations is to reas for certain manageholders that by investing in the company they have taken a wise move, and even though if they dont want to buy more shares they should continue to hold onto their shares. The importance of this communication is towards the financial success of the company and the decisions it makes that lead to growth. Therefore the employees exact in investor relations has prepare regular financial and counsel reports and briefs for the financial media (Scotter, 2014). Internal CommunicationIn the interna l communication the corporate communicator has to focus on aligning staff with the organizational values and purpose. Therefore, the corporate communication manager has to arrange staff conferences with senior managers, sharing stories on the company intranet and organizing portion out schemes to reinforce organizational values. Internal communication oftenmediates with media relations, sharing positive coverage internally to fire morale (Scotter, 2014). Corporate AdvertisingCorporate advertising is any advertisement that focuses more on public relation than sales promotion. The purpose of the advertisement is to build a companys image, reputation and heraldic bearing among the general public or within the industry. Corporate advertising is regarded as one of a variant of communication tool that is used to promote the desired corporate brands corporate individualism rather than promoting companys specific products or services (Zulhamri, 2012). Public AffairsIn an organization a t the local, state and federal level, all the sectors are subject to laws and regulations. Therefore, public affairs staffs job is to beforehand organizations case for amendments to existing legislation. In some cases they have to campaign for new laws as well. For this reason public affairs staffs job often work with media relations to soak up integrated campaigns (Scotter, 2014).Definitions of Identity, Image and ReputationIdentityA companys identity is what the company is, the way the company is being recognized and the characteristics that defines the company (Corp, 2014). For example the companys name is a jump of its identity. ImageAn image of an organization is the perceptions that different people hold of an organization. Such perceptions differs depending on how well people know the organization. Some perceptions are derived from peoples individual experiences and impressions of the organization and also by the marketing and communication activities (Bailey, 2008). For e xample when someone says Rolex memorize the first thing that drives to the mind is the case and the price of the product. It is because the Rolex watch is commercialized in such a way that people believes that it is expensive hence a quality product. ReputationIt is the collection of perceptions round a company that is hold by the stakeholders with whom it relates, both internal and external (Munich, 2008). For example Apple Company is a very high reputed company, hence they reserve high quality products and they have been continuously trying to keep on their standard. AnalysisAnalyzing using Rep Track baffleIn every organization it is very important to analyze their image, identity and reputation in order to be successful. To analyze these three things the best tool or model is the Rep Track Model. It is the military mans first standardized tool for tracking reputation of globally across stakeholder groups. It tracks 23 primaeval act indicators grouped around 7 reputation dimensions that is effective in getting stakeholders to support the company that has been proven by researchers. The following diagram shows an illustration of Rep Track Model. The seven reputation dimensions will be used to analyze the reputation of the selected company, Mirihi Island Resort. Product/ServicesMirihi is a service oriented company. Reviewed by many customers that has been to Mirihi, they have a high quality service which fulfills customer requirements and their needs. Compare to other top most leading resorts, Mirihi has high prices for their packages, study to their service. Because in Mirihi in that respect are no televisions available in the room and the rooms are not so big. Its not because they cant commit it or they dont want to give that service. It is because they want their customers to get the chance to be relaxed without being engaged to the news and other media entertainments. On the other hand they provide high speed Wi-Fi so they can be in touch with their family and friends. However their customers are very much comfortable and happy with their service. InnovationMirihi is the first resort in the Maldives who provided the service of encountering whale sharks for their customers. And they keep trying to come up with new innovations to make their services more and more unique. They are very flexible for their customers, can come up with their own ideas ofdifferent activities or services. Also they always try to change their way of good-looking services. WorkplaceIf any one goes through the reviews about Mirihi Island Resort it will see from all the comments about their wonderful staffs and their fantastic service. This shows that how happily the staffs are working in order to build the reputation of the company. Mirihi management always make sure that their employees are well trained and highly motivated. Therefore they frequently manoeuver training sessions for all the staffs including top management staffs. They dont discrim inate between their staffs, they distribute early(a) bonus and salary increments equally and fairly. Mirihi gives full support for the staffs who wants to invent things and those who wants to study as well. Mirihi staffs has the opportunity to internally change their positions. GovernanceIn Mirihi they have general session in every month to share their achievements, financial situations, about the allowances starting from the last four years so that it is easy to compare and about all the upcoming programs or events. They are very transparent as they always tell exactly the situation with the government regarding the taxes to their staffs. And they prepare annual report and submit it to the government and also they pay taxes on time. They make sure that their staffs are aware and follow the rules and regulations public by the government. CitizenshipMirihi is a very environmentally friend company. They never cut down the trees and according to their policy cutting down the trees ar e banned unless it is very necessary. They have very strict rules for the guests not to stand on the corals, not to collect anything from the sea, not to put anything in to the sea and not to feed the fishes. And the guests are LeadershipIn Mirihi they have charismatic Managers. From the management they always make sure that they keep on the standards or improve their level to get on the top most. Whenever they face any issues or threats they overcome it making suitable strategies. They make sure that their staffs are comfortablewith their given resources. PerformanceThey have been as the top resort on the noteworthy travelling web send for almost one year. At the moment also they are in the top six. From this all the way can be seen that they performed well with high profitability. Monthly and annually they make huge profit compare to their expectations and therefore they are able to provide early bonus to their staffs with an amount of around MVR10,000 for each staff. Their mar ket share has been growth, still being among the smallest resorts in the Maldives.RecommendationEven though Mirihi is a profit gaining and reputed company, there are few things that they need to improve. They need to have corporate communication department to analyze their re They should conduct performance appraisals or evaluate their staffs performance more frequently and give feedbacks on their performance so that they know what are things that need to be improved. Mirihi should provide a 24 arcminute room service to make their service better since they dont have a 24 hour restaurant or a bar. There are not enough sun beds on the beach for the guests to enjoy the sun bath. So they should provide more sun beds on the beach. Finally the guest Wi-Fi and the staffs Wi-Fi is very slow and the guest Wi-Fi is not available most of the areas like specially in the spa. So they should provide Wi-Fi to the most areas so that their service could be more improves. And the Wi-Fi should fast.B ibliographyBailey, S. R. (2008). InternationalEncyclopedia of Orgnaization Studies. SAGE publications, Inc. doihttp// Corp. (2014). Your Dictionary. Retrieved from Your Dictionary Web site http// Frederick, A. (2014). Small Business.chron. Retrieved from Small Business.chron Web site http// Kalahub. (2009, November 07). Slide Share. Retrieved from Slide Share Web site http//
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